[Complete Story] Random Party [1.3.3]

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Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:57 pm

[Complete Story] Random Party [1.3.3]


In this custom story, a random girl you just met invited you to a party with a bunch of her random friends. Is she interested in you or was she just being polite? Either way, you're the only man at this party, so things might get interesting.

Each time you start a new game of this story, you will end up with a different set of random girls. Different names, different personalities, different likes and dislikes, all of which determine what hoops you have to jump through to get busy with them. Hopefully, this will make the story fun to replay.

In most cases, if you're careful and plan ahead, you should be able to have sex with all of the girls. In some cases, though (like if several girls like one specific type of booze only), it might be impossible. If you get frustrated, you can always start over with a new set of random girls.

There are a bunch of quests that might help you along the way (see the read me file). There are also FIVE achievements you can earn from this custom story (spoilers about these in the next post).


Extract the zip to your "<Documents>\Eek\House Party\Mods\Stories" folder. You should end up with a folder called "Random Party." Start the game and choose "Random Party" from the list of stories.


Please report any bugs you find. Debugging a story as complicated as this is hard, especially with all the possible random combinations! But be aware of the following:
  • Under the right circumstances, some girls might get naked and walk around the party like that. This is intentional. You can even ask them about it.
  • There's a quest involving the camera. The game is kind of odd about what it counts as a photo. If you view photos on the camera it might look like you have a picture of a girl, but the game doesn't count it. I set up some on screen messages to tell you who you still need pictures of. Go by these messages, instead of the images themselves when you view photos on the camera.
  • Your inventory will show "missing image" for some items. Nothing I can do about that. Just ignore it.
  • Puffing a joint will cause something to be added to your inventory temporarily. Ignore it. It's nothing, really.
  • If you like the group of girls you've ended up with, save often. It's possible to make a mistake and get yourself beat up...
  • You can use the "E" key to dance/stop dancing and to take off/put on your clothes. Some other options might also be available if you have certain items in inventory...
  • Many actions are on a cool down timer. You usually have to wait a while before you can ask a girl to do these things with you again...
  • Some actions have a limit on how much they can increase your relationship with a girl. If a girl's meter seems stalled, try doing something else...
  • There are about a dozen places in the house you can search for useful items. Some of them are drawers you have to open first, then search...
  • It is often helpful to search the same place more than once. If you're looking for something specific, search all the places again. What you're looking for is usually in the last place you look...
  • There are also about a dozen places to search for the phones...
  • To dance with a girl, first you need to make sure there's music playing. The girl also has to be friendly to you and not jealous. Follow the girl to the dance floor, make sure she can see you and start dancing. Stick around near her for a while until she thanks you for the dance or gets bored and leaves. Don't wander off in the middle of it. Or do, and see what happens...
  • Pay attention to what the girls say. Sometimes there are hints about their personalities...
  • There are also items that can tell you all about each girl's personality...
  • Talk to your hostess frequently. She has a number of missions for you...
  • If you get stuck, the tablet in your inventory can give you some hints or even help you cheat...
  • The cheat tablet also has some special scenarios you can try out. You must activate these at the front door before you enter the party.
  • If you activate the Winter Decorations DLC from the main menu, the random party will be a random Christmas party and include an extra quest with a pretty useful reward.
  • There's a longer list of hints in the read me file. If you want even more hints (and spoilers), hobbes___ wrote a walkthrough you can find here
Random Party 1.3.3.e.zip
(11.34 MiB) Downloaded 578 times
READ ME - Random Party.txt
(13.36 KiB) Downloaded 536 times
Last edited by chimneyfish on Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:53 pm, edited 81 times in total.
Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:57 pm

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.20.3]

If you want some spoilers about the achievements available in this custom story, the attached zip file has jpgs showing them in all their glory.

Edit: file updated with new achievements available in Random Party 0.20.3
Random Achievements.zip
(8.19 MiB) Downloaded 8420 times
Last edited by chimneyfish on Fri Nov 26, 2021 8:50 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Posts: 1672
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

This looks like cool concept.
Posts: 1029
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

French translation may take a while, there is lots of stuff to translate.

I remove the attached exported template as v14.4.3 texts seem proper to me 8-)
Posts: 1672
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

I played a bit and really like what I see.

Due to random nature, it feels much less scripted and more like a party where you meet new people.

Of course... I'm still doing lots of try and error and save scumming.
Posts: 1672
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

Found a bug: You can get forced to be rude to host regarding MP3 player, if you already picked proper response before, when you ask about dancing first and then talk about party and music.
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:56 pm

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

a rare bug, the mp3 doesn't spawn... I've looked everywhere, under the bed, the drawers, everywhere. it doesn't happen all the time though.
Posts: 1672
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

Are wines one use time only, unlike other drinks in the game?

Actually, just realized that other things are deplatable, like soda, but it takes a time for those.


Regarding some other feedback, I know it is random, but most often after getting in good relations you either get those girls to want go walking in the house completely naked or just with top off (with bra on).

I think full naked should be much more rare option, with options like topless or swimsuit in house being more common.

Similarly with behavior in hot tub. it looks to be either full nude or with all clothes. Please give some room for topless girls too.


Is Marijuana supposed to be obtainable? I have not found it anywhere in the game, nor any interactive object that could spawn in (not counting cheating tablet). EDIT: Never mind... found it.


Is there any way to finish Closing Time quest without ruining relationship with most of the girls?
Posts: 162
Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:01 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

This is one of the best CSC mods out there! It is up there with HotStory, Sluttier Party, GBP, and Katherine's Story.

I really like how you created it such that the randomness allows for more replay. During my first play-through, I managed to make out with 6 girls and complete 5 of them but then I ran out of alcohol and soda and couldn't pursue the rest of them. But, that adds to reality of a true house party.

Just curious...is there any way where girl on girl action happens? I know in my first play-through, I finished with "Amy" and she said that she would be willing to be invited to watch you with another girl, but the other girls I completed never mentioned it.

Keep up with this mod! It is awesome!
Posts: 162
Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:01 am

Re: [Complete Story] Random Party [0.14.4]

peter980 wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:39 am Are wines one use time only, unlike other drinks in the game?

Actually, just realized that other things are deplatable, like soda, but it takes a time for those.


Regarding some other feedback, I know it is random, but most often after getting in good relations you either get those girls to want go walking in the house completely naked or just with top off (with bra on).

I think full naked should be much more rare option, with options like topless or swimsuit in house being more common.

Similarly with behavior in hot tub. it looks to be either full nude or with all clothes. Please give some room for topless girls too.


Is Marijuana supposed to be obtainable? I have not found it anywhere in the game, nor any interactive object that could spawn in (not counting cheating tablet). EDIT: Never mind... found it.


Is there any way to finish Closing Time quest without ruining relationship with most of the girls?
Marijuana is obtainable. I found it, but the paper seems to have been eliminated so I couldn't make a joint.
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