[Abandoned][Incomplete] Nemesis Party [0.19.4]

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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.19.4]

Update: Still mostly working on creating an immersive experience during the 'free roam' section of the story

- Achievements: Gain achievements by completing quest lines and various tasks. At a certain threshold of achievements, the final ending with Vanessa is unlocked
- Spontaneous Event: Dresden will pull down your pants, which allows you to the return the favor, as well as anyone else in the party
- Spontaneous Event: Vince hops the fence into the party - introduced as reckless troublemaker here to have a good time
- Now able to feed the guests which results in a small romance/friendship boost
- Exposing your genitals to party guests imposes a romance/friendship penalty

- Vickie now stars as Ophelia instead of Stephanie
- Madison now stars as Reagan instead of Vickie
- Lety now stars as Susan Vandervoort, mother of Vanessa and Abbie, and host of the party
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.19.4]

Update: "Deal with the Devil" and "Never Tell Me The Odds" are almost done, which puts me back where I was before I lost all my progress. This time, however, the free roam area is a lot more exciting.

- Negative romance penalty for groping characters that don't have romance maxed out
- Negative romance penalty for exposing yourself to characters that don't have romance maxed out
- Negative romance penalty for untying Alexa's top (same as in the original story)
- Shop: Buy items that are potentially game-breaking! Earning money is available after completing Vanessa's quest
  • - Sleeping Powder Ball knocks guests unconscious!
    - Vibrator to use on max romance guests when they're alone, making them masturbate!
    - Martial Arts Lessons allows you to push around other guests!
- Spontaneous Event: Playing with the thermostat makes max-romance Abbie complain of sweaty panties and removes them
- Spontaneous Event: Max romance with Reagan opens up an option to receive a strip dance from her
- Spontaneous Event: Matt demands Dresden stop staring at Reagan's ass; Dresden sucker punches Matt
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

Update: I finished a fun little quest for Vanessa: "The Great Bake" and for Dresden 'A Home-Cooked Meal'. I've also revised the original post so that information is clearer and spoilers are hidden.

Added Features:
- Quest: "The Great Bake" with Vanessa
- Quest: "A Home-Cooked Meal" with Dresden
- Rumors: Guests will now spread rumors about things they've seen or heard
- Intelligence: Reading a certain number of books and interpreting art will unlock the ability to analyze guests

Added Random Events:
- Dresden will talk with the ladies of the party - they become less interested in you after three conversations with him
- When Vanessa puts on her bikini, Dresden will ask her to jump up and down in it. If you loosened it, it'll fall away
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

Update: I've been happy to discover the rumors feature has a lot of potential. It makes the party come alive.
  • You can now spread both true and false rumors about yourself and others. Telling everyone you're a lead singer in a band (a lie) will improve your romance score.
  • Some rumors will trigger events. For example, the rumor that Eva has a crush on Abbie turns out to be true. When alone, they'll make-out with each other.
  • Guests will confront you about the truth of certain rumors once they hear of it. The rumor that Vanessa's boobs are fake, for example, will make her insist you grope them to prove they are real.
  • Some rumors spread after quests. Example: After you or Dresden has sex with Reagan during "Deal With The Devil", the rumor spreads that she and Matt are broken up.
  • Discover information that can be used to spread rumors. Example: Searching Dresden's phone for dirty details about his life.
  • Rumors can unlock abilities. The rumor that you're a drug dealer will earn you a negative relationship penalty from some guests, but will unlock the ability to sell drugs to other guests.
  • You can purchase rumors. Give Eva some of your hard-earned cash, and she'll spread good rumors about you, or bad rumors about your enemies.
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

Update: Progress on the rumor system continues. I'm holding off work on the main quests in the (faint, very distant) hope that version 20.3 of CSC is released with some sort of WarpTo Coordinates function. If not, I'll have to use a very crude workaround to carefully position Suki and Dresden during 'The Devil Wears Prada'. Because of this delay, a full version won't be released on New Years as planned.

Instead, I'll be posting an incomplete version of Nemesis Party on the forums only. My hope is that volunteers will playtest it and help me find bugs, so that when I do upload the story to CSU, it's as bug-free as possible.

- Suki's quest "The Devil Wears Prada" is now only available when the player views her in Photographer Mode
- You can now steal items like speakers, tv remote, voice recorder, mp3 player, and so on
- Stealing items while visible to other characters will result in a bad rumor spreading that you're a thief
- You now have the option to pickpocket guests while crouched behind them within a certain distance
- Success or failure of pickpocketing is based on a skill check
- Pickpocketing skill improvements can be bought at the shop ($500 for beginner, $1000 for intermediate, $1500 for advanced)
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

Update: Tired of problems with the rumor system, I took a fun break by creating the "slut collar" which is purchasable from the shop for the low, low price of $2000. When given to a max-level romance guest, they'll wear it, follow you around like a dog, and give you a blowjob on command.

- Susan's Quest "Sleepless Suzy" is complete. Only available after Vince's arrival at the party. Finishing it will result in Susan falling asleep, ending her "no fun" behavior
- "Slut Collar" purchasable item ($2000)
- Entering and leaving the hot tub will remove and put on your clothes accordingly
- Dresden's phone beeps periodically, drawing the player's attention so they can use it to invite Ophelia to the party
- Music changes when a quest begins, making it easier to identify if you're in free roam mode or not
- Vanessa and Abbie will drink beer after 'Sleepless Suzy" is complete and Susan is sleeping
- Instead of completing 'Sleepless Suzy' to get her knocked out, you can simply buy a sleeping powder ball and hit her with it
- You can "Check Wallet" by selecting Y. It'll track money up to $3000.

- Dresden's values all got deleted somehow, so I added them back in. Hopefully I got them all, otherwise things will break.
- Increased Vince's arrival time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes after game start
- Pickpocketing now has a cooldown so you can't spam it for money
- Knocking Susan out is no longer possible until after Vince's arrival
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Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

joanly wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:53 am Update: Progress on the rumor system continues. I'm holding off work on the main quests in the (faint, very distant) hope that version 20.3 of CSC is released with some sort of WarpTo Coordinates function. If not, I'll have to use a very crude workaround to carefully position Suki and Dresden during 'The Devil Wears Prada'. Because of this delay, a full version won't be released on New Years as planned.
Just to be aware, I think the plan by devs is to release 0.21.x during December and skip 0.20.3 CSC in favor of 0.21.x CSC.
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

peter980 wrote: Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:09 pm Just to be aware, I think the plan by devs is to release 0.21.x during December and skip 0.20.3 CSC in favor of 0.21.x CSC.
Good to know! Thanks. I guess I'll have to use my workaround after all.

Update: The rumor system is complete. I'm now working on the main quests. The plan is to have most of them done in time for the Playtest Release on New Years, that way there's actual narrative content for volunteers to play and test.

- Ophelia arrives at the party after you spread a rumor that she and Dresden hooked up
- Groping girls triggers a negative penalty rumor that you're a pervert
- You can dance with Ophelia and impress or disappoint her based on your dancing skill
- Eva's "Scientific Research" quest has been switched; I now plan for it to be "Spin The Bottle"
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:35 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

Update: Working on The Devil Wears Prada. After it's complete, I'll be working on the quest that unlocks the ability to sell drugs for money.


- Charisma: Certain dialogue responses will roll a charisma skill check
- Charisma: If the charisma roll is successful, player will see favorable behavior from the guest, and vice versa for failure
- Charisma: Skill increases can be purchased at the shop for beginner ($500), intermediate ($1000) and advanced ($1500)
- Charisma: Drinking now temporarily improves charisma skill with each sip until maxed out
- Purchasable rumors from Eva:
  • - Tell them I'm the lead singer in a band ($500)
    - Tell them Vanessa's boobs are fake ($500)
    - Tell them Dresden has a tiny dick ($500)
    - Tell them Susan's daughters hate her for the divorce ($500)
- You can pick a flower and give it to Suki for a small romance boost
- Dialogue option during Vince's arrival may lead to him knocking you out
- Music changes when in Photographer Mode to help player remember it can be toggled
- Note for beta testers (explains what is intentionally left unfinished)
- Fighting girls will immediately set your romance with them to zero
- Fighting guys will immediately set your friendship with them to zero, however, knocking them out will give you a small romance boost with girls who witness it

- Balanced combat health/strength attributes so that you have a chance at winning fights in free roam
- Random Events no longer occur when in Photographer Mode
- You can no longer toggle Photographer Mode on while free roam mode is off (or a quest is in progress)
- Slight modifications to Random Events so they trigger less frequently
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:00 am

Re: [Devlog Only] Nemesis Party [0.20.3]

What you are using to create this custom story ? because the csc supports hp 0.19.4 and yours support 0.20.03. I am just curious to know and also keep us updated about your project.
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