[Complete] Fun Together V1.5.1 (Orgy Simulator) [0.15.5]

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Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:56 am

[Complete] Fun Together V1.5.1 (Orgy Simulator) [0.15.5]

Fun Together is an orgy Simulator.

Let me post the opening notification:

Fun Together V 1.5.1 February 2020
Let's start an orgy!!! ....Because...we....can?
Invite as many as you like. Not everyone will join. (Completly random)
When ready go into Madison's Bedroom and close the door. (That is the trigger to start the fun. Be patient. Good things take time.)
Inspect Madison's Bedroom door for more informations.

Have fun. (Warning it get's intense!)

* French (V1.5.1)

Unzip into \Documents\Eek\House Party\Mods

V1.5.1 (February 2020)
- "Strip and Sex Fight" Strip logic fixed. Loser always strips now (additional) if he or she still has clothes but no strip during combat anymore.
% note can't fix cowgirl punisher action despide giving 3 sec recovering time after wake up. The lovers are non aligned and the action is shakey. But mabye that fits as a punishment! :lol:

- Older Versions: -

V1.5.0 (February 2020)
+ Interruption of NPC intimacy. Well they will not like it but you can do it now.
+ "Strip and Sex Fight" action added. Don't want to wait till they are nude? Here you go. Already nude? Excellent! 8-) :twisted:
+ "Strip / Get Dressed" added to palyer wheel.
+ "Switch NPC Action Menu" added to player wheel. (NPC interaction wheel is full so this exchanges "Lick Her" and "Lift Her" and more in future)
% Note couldn't test this Version that well. It will work with saves from 1.4.0

V1.4.1 (February 2020)
- Game save/load fix. Recreate player clothes state on load of a saved game.

V1.4.0 (February 2020)
+ Late Orgy Joiners. There is a chance now that non orgy participants (refused or not asked) will ask the player later to join. However that happens mostly very late. So if you play a short game you likely never experience that. Also they will not ask before themself are nude.
+ Fight System. Now you can fight and f***. :lol: (try this: start a fight with a girl and mid fight make out with her. :D )
- "All On Me" action reworked. Girls now approach to the caller. Also only currently not busy are affected.

V1.3.0 (February 2020)
+ "All On Me" action. Can be triggered through players wheel or through madison's bed. Also can happen random triggered and for any character men and women. Not limited to player only. More fun with larger group.

V1.2.1 (February 2020)
- fixed Men - Women interaction probability and variation. It was only half of the intended probability.

V1.2.0 (December 2019)
+ Madison's Bedroom door got new functionality. Next to lock and unlock (for excluding visitiors) you have "Open for good" and "Call them back"
Inspect Madison's Bedroom door to see what this does. In short you allow the orgy participants to roam free in the full house.

V1.1.1 (December 2019)
- fixed talk wheel of amy.
- fixed non participants disappearing talk/invite option. Now the talk options should stay as long as they are not fully nude.

V1.1.0 (December 2019)
- updated to 0.15.5
- changed character values to be less shy and more exhibitionistic (more confident in standing nude)
+ Non participants characters that witness the orgy in madisons room from the bed or the chairs have a good chance (>=50%) to get turned on and start to strip and maybe even masturbate. They will not take part in the orgy and will walk free however you can have intimate actions with them when you like and wherever they are.

V1.0.1 (September 2019)
- fixed men laying down during blowjob

FunTogether was download more than 10'000 times in total already. (Makes no sense to continue counting)
Fun Together V1.5.1.zip
(457.54 KiB) Downloaded 30258 times
Fun Together V1.4.1.zip
(424.84 KiB) Downloaded 2000 times
Last edited by PeterSunday on Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:19 am, edited 12 times in total.
Posts: 1609
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

Did some small test. The biggest issue I see is uninvited characters roaming to bedroom all the time.

Maybe set roam restriction for all characters to spots in bedroom (including bed and chairs)?
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:56 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

Honestly I think it is funny when the non invited NPC walk into the room and react shocked than sit on a chair or lay in the bed and watch!! :D :lol:
I was more laughing than getting arosed by watching the ongoing actions. It's fun but graphic wise this game is not fit/done for such and certainly not meant for such.

I know too less about doing further developments. That's how far i got or wanted to get to. If you like feel free to take over and adapt it if you have ideas for imrovements or such requests gets posted because I don't have any intention to continue this project. It was for me to study how this works and what is possible to do and when finished wanted to upload what I have done because I am sure it is enjoyable for some. I self am more into stories. I read/play a lot renpy adult visual novels. It is truely awesome what some have created graphical and story wise and somewhen I plan to create my own adult visual novel. I love good stories combined with erotics. 8-)

Original I planed to make something with at least a little story including a bottle spin or truth or dare or never ever game and have the strip and sex action for that. But after spending a lot of time with the copy past and change of event triggers..(would make sense to have a copy for all events from one character to another)..I figured that doing something like that this way would blow the time and effort I was willing to put in. It's nicely done by eek but far from efficient doing something. I don't know..for doing something larger my impression is that there is too much freedom missing. But then I don't know how much customisation with this game in connection with Unity and C# is possible to do. Maybe a lot if you dig in deep. Dunno. At some point however you have to wonder if it makes more sense to create something completly on your own from scratch.
Last edited by PeterSunday on Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 993
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

French translation of v1.5.1.

To be extracted in ***\Eek\House Party\Mods\Languages folder.
Fun Together 1.5.1-fr.zip
(18.8 KiB) Downloaded 2478 times
Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:38 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

I've played several iterations of this story. My best playthrough got me 7 female characters with me. So, awesome! My only complaint is that we don't have enough blonds in this game! This is by no means your fault. It's eek's fault. WTF! We need more hair and nationality variety in our house mates! I got all the dark hairs in that iteration!
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Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:18 pm

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

I love this story, never ending variety. Gets crazy when your character gets pulled from one girl to another. Although It seems that some of the animations are missing, I have never seen any of wall animations and doggy, not sure what else is missing. Also would be nice to have the way to keep not participants outside...or even option where you have more power in choosing ( not just random ). So far my record is 8 girls...
Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:38 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

bury02128 wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:25 am So far my record is 8 girls...
I'm up to nine! But I missed Stephanie in that run through. What a shame right?!
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:39 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

how do i invite people?.. map is empty
Posts: 993
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

I suppose you didn't install properly the story OR your security solution (antivirus) may blocks the game file's access to the game itself.

Those two threads have a similar issue, so check the solution provided there:
:arrow: https://forum.eekllc.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=970
:arrow: https://forum.eekllc.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=966
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:39 am

Re: [Complete] Fun Together[0.14.4]

thankyou it worked . i copied the files in the wrong folder :D
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