Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

For older custom stories that do not work with the last one to three releases of House Party. Please be very specific as to what versions of the game the story you post will work with. Any posts without documented confirmation of version compatibility or significant user complaints of said story NOT working with the documented game version will be removed.

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Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:22 pm

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

soooooo... will it ever get an update or this custom story is dead?
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

A few bugs and comments, some of which may be regressions and some may be due to game updates:

1. Katherine gets dressed against after sex, and doesn't get nude for sex with the player
2. After sex with Katherine, player is trapped in the sex mode and can't get out, though Katherine does stand up. I've had a similar problem with Brittney on the main game when using console commands, so this MIGHT be a game bug rather than yours.
3. Amy completes the first task, but doesn't respond when you ask for the next one. Could get any further.
4. A few more clues for what to do next would be helpful. Too many Talks just give no response at all.

On the whole this is a funny and bubbly mod, worth a few giggles. The effort is appreciated.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

I think one of the things that kills this story now is that some dialogues break, which I think was change from 0.12.x release when one of the ways how dialogues where created where removed.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

So, I had an epiphany...

I was disappointed that I couldn't enjoy this story because of game updates and my semi-recent purchase of the game (0.12.4 build if memory serves) on Steam. But what if we could roll back the game to previous builds?

Here's the thing. We can! It's easy to role back House Party to 0.10.4 so you can enjoy Much Sluttier Party (although I recommend you use 0.11.3 because of the censorship I saw in 0.10.4). And I'm gonna guess that this works for all old stories that were coded correctly for their version! Here's how:

1. Right click on House Party in your Steam Library.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click the Betas tab.
4. Choose the appropriate version for the old custom story you want to play from the drop down menu.
5. Play the story.
6. Thank the story writer for their work! Preferably, on this forum!
Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:38 am

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

mada7. Thanks so much for submitting an awesome story! I'm sure I'm not the only one who loved it!
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

So I downloaded this and booted it up, and I checked everywhere, and it's a ghost house. There is absolutely no-one in and out of the house, even resetted it and still nothing.
Posts: 993
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

1. This is not a CS designed for recent house party version. bugs are expected.
2. Are you sure you install it correctly ?
3. Check all answers from
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