FPS problem with my game on my PC

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FPS problem with my game on my PC

Hi. I'm having fps problems that I wouldn't know why this is happening. I have a GTX Asus 1080 8gb, i7 4790 and 16 gb of ram, the game I put in 4k with all graphics on high activating all options and when I go outside I go to 20 fps that would have to be at 60 because the requirements I have too much of what the game asks for. What would be the problem of this? I have pc to play in 4k along with the monitor but I do not understand why it goes from 20 to 40 or 50 fps, go up and down, I would have to deactivate some option? because in reality the recommended requirements I have more than enough because the games in their majority I play them in 4k Or is the game still badly optimized? Also when I go outside I get the low fps poster but I still don't understand why yet, since my pc is high range so to speak.
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Re: FPS problem with my game on my PC

While game is really demanding (on ultra), 4K is a lot more to add on top of that. I do not think recommended requirements are for 4K displays/

For compare, I have weaker GTX 1060, and it can play it at 1080p for between 40-60fps (closer to 60). The most demanding parts are looking at the whole house from the fence behind hottub, and looking toward gazeboo from the fireplace. Or any location if all characters are crammed to it. In house, it is mostly 60fps all the time.

GTX 1080 is more powerful card, but 4k has 4 times more pixels to render. I assume game would run without problem if you used 1440p resolution instead.
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Re: FPS problem with my game on my PC

There is still some work to do in terms of optimization, but 20FPS sounds pretty low. I use an alternate system at times when testing that has a GTX 1070 with a 4K display and while I do not get 60FPS consistently on that system, I do not recall dipping down to 20FPS outside. I'd have to test it again. What version are you playing? As Peter980 said our system requirements cannot take into account every resolution.
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