[Not Implemented] Ability to make snapshot of walking habits, states are variabes

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Posts: 1609
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

[Not Implemented] Ability to make snapshot of walking habits, states are variabes

Idea is this.

Lets say you want to make some event during complex story, when all characters go somewhere, do some stuff, and even ends.
Then they go back to previous routine.

This can get very tricky and is very script intensive to make it right. You need to essentially restore whatever characters where doing before, which can be different based on what quests where they doing and other stuff. The more complex the story, the more problematic it is to do right.

Thus, I propose ability to "make snapshot" of some character walking routine, states or variables.
That way, you could potentially, just restore previous state, without needing to recreate previous version of behavior with new scripting.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Re: [Not Implemented] Ability to make snapshot of walking habits, states are variabes

Hey there, good suggestion, we're somewhat moving towards this already. We started adding in a 'Clear' function for WalkTo's to start, allowing the character to continue whatever they were doing prior to being issued that WalkTo. In time we can look at more advanced functionality to restore previous states as you've described.
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