[Feature Requests] List of improvements to CSC

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[Feature Requests] List of improvements to CSC

First of all, the CSC is amazing. There are so many cool things you can do with it! But now I've been making some larger stories and making heavy use of values, I see some ways that things could be made simpler and also reduce duplicating lots of stuff just having to change the character name dropdown. And some general quality of life things.

Randomize Int Value
Right now you can set a number range for a random number to be picked from in a free-form input. It would be nice if in addition to that there was an option to use Player/NPC values.

Event Triggers
I really like the Criteria groups and I wish Events had a group option as well so you could reuse it across characters.

Event Triggers and Criteria
For event triggers and criteria you choose a specific character for it to apply to. I've had lots of cases where I copy/paste the same events/criteria across characters, but I have to always update the character name dropdown.

I think if there was an option in the dropdown for "current character" and then combine that with event trigger groups like I mentioned above, so many things could become simpler and you wouldn't have to have so many redundant events with just the character changed.

Using empty Event Triggers as section labels
I really like how in the Original Story Event Triggers you have things organized by creating empty events where the name is a section label like:
csc1.PNG (93.65 KiB) Viewed 14348 times
But when you go to the dropdowns, everything is alphabetized so those section headers become useless. It would be great if the order in the dropdowns can be preserved instead of alphabetized.

Also, if we could do something similar with NPC/Player values - I have a lot and would love to group them together.

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Re: [Feature Requests] List of improvements to CSC

I would also like if there are is official comments support.
Like having a comments section for a specific event trigger, where you can put some notes.

Or have comment dummy action (similar to those dummy events), which does not do anything, exempt show in between two other real actions, as a note from custom story developer.
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Re: [Feature Requests] List of improvements to CSC

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Re: [Feature Requests] List of improvements to CSC

Randomize Int Value
Do you mean randomize between two existing Character values? Like:

RandomizeValue : Player : MyRandomVal : Derek : RandomValSource1 : Derek : RandomValSource2

Event Triggers
Event Triggers and Criteria
I have been working on CharacterGroup behaviors for the CSC recently. I think these would likely satisfy the requests here.

As for CSC Comments, we've had a ticket open for that for awhile. It's still on my mind ;)

As for changing the ordering behavior of dropdowns, I suppose a simple option built into the JSON (similar to "Allow Male Player Character" up top) could be used so the user has some say in dropdown behavior. I've been thinking about what more could be done with the "Story Collection-level" options so I'll note this down for later.
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