Custom dialogue won't trigger

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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:47 pm

Custom dialogue won't trigger

For some reason I cannot get any custom dialogue to trigger for ashley's character during sex.
All I get is remove top, remove bottoms, take panties, but no actual text dialogue appears.
The only time when ashley has dialogue during an intimacy act is when she's giving a blowjob.

Here is what I am doing - I am creating a single branch dialgoue for every character since (I hate the limitation of being stuck on one position)
The game is good, but that limitation is a big drawback so its something I have chosen to fix for every single character to give them many more options. I also use this in combo with gone bad party 1.9.5.

To do this I created a brand new branch dialogue as shown.
I create a brand new branch dialogue 189 that has several responses Blowjob, sex 1, sex 2, sex 3, with each having a game event of intimacy state.

Now if I am looking at this right
This should match exactly what rachael and katherine have done to have choice dialogues and these triggers should make it work, but for some reason all I get is remove top, remove bottoms, and take panties.

I would much rather prefer to set this up the way we have sex with vickie on the bed in the valentines date, but all attempts to set it up this way have failed. So I figure this is a much easier way of giving the character more options during sex without interfering with gone bad's party action system since its solely tied to original story.story and vickie.character. I love what the creator has done with gone bad party, but I'm just not a fan of random position coinflip. I would rather be able to choose on the wheel like vickies or have the choice via text when I click on the character.

The problem is even with this method all I get is remove top, remove bottoms, take panties, but no actual text dialogue appears.
What I would like to know is why, considering its a direct match to katherine and rachael triggers under starting dialogue.

What have I done wrong here so I can fix it to make 189 trigger under all instances of blowjob, sex 1, sex 2, sex 3, and handjob?
My only complaint with the game is the lack of position swapping for any intimacy act with all characters.

I should note that originally the first dialogue trigger went to dialogue 43 and it appeared as a state of giving blowjob.
I swapped it to trigger dialogue 189 with intimacy state equals blowjob just as a test to see if intimacy state equals vs state "giving blowjob" was a trigger limitation.

This was the original triggers for ashley, katherine, and rachael



and this is my modified/newly created triggers to give ashley branch dialogue.






Here is the trigger fully functioning under the giving blowjob state



Now here is what I get even with there being a trigger for ever intimacy act under starting dialogue
What gives? It works under state "ashley state giving blowjob", but as soon as I choose a new position it shows this...


where did talk go? to trigger 189 dialogue. Intimacy
Is intimacy state equals not a valid trigger for ashley, because its triggered with both katherine and rachael's dialogue.

Sorry for so many pictures, I just figured it would be more helpful to show what I am trying to accomplish and what is happening with the triggers.
Posts: 1607
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Custom dialogue won't trigger

You need to edit main story file and conditions on which Talk action appears on Ashley.

In original story, there are many conditions that block it from appearing.
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