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Dialogue with 'exits vision' trigger results in creepy stalker NPC

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:54 pm
by arwing
Hello everyone, long time lurker and peruser of custom stories here. First time experimenting with the CSC.

Everything is going great, except I have one issue I am stuck on. I want to trigger a line of dialogue when the player exits an NPC's vision (or vice versa). This results in the NPC following the player. Instead, I want the NPC to stay put while the player can walk away. Specifically, I am trying to get an NPC to tell the player to "shut the door!" after the player leaves their vision. I have tried this multiple ways, including having the dialogue directed at an inactive NPC instead of the player, but the result is the same. I tested the NPC performing a different event (like undressing) and they stay where they are, so it is obviously related to dialogue specifically.

Any solutions?

Re: Dialogue with 'exits vision' trigger results in creepy stalker NPC

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:20 am
by chimneyfish
Try having the dialogue directed to the NPC themself (i.e., they're talking to themself).

Re: Dialogue with 'exits vision' trigger results in creepy stalker NPC

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:49 am
by peter980
Yes, that is exactly what should be done.

Re: Dialogue with 'exits vision' trigger results in creepy stalker NPC

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:03 pm
by arwing
You are gentlemen and scholars, the both of you. That has to be the one thing I didn't try lol.

Expect to see a new story in the showcase forum within the next couple weeks (hopefully, work and school permitting). I'm having a blast with the CSC so far.