Question about mood attributes

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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:37 am

Question about mood attributes

Hi, I'm pretty new on CSC

I'm curious about how social-mood attribute works.
- What things affected by mood? I think I read somewhere on this forum that it affects ability to dance
- What is mood maximum value?
- Can it be changed automatically e.g. by dialogue which increases "friendly" attribute.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Re: Question about mood attributes

Alllllrighty, so "Mood" DOES the following:
  • If a character's mood is less than 0, they will not dance unless given the state ForcedToDance.
    ^^ This is arguably the biggest affect of Mood for most people ^^
  • If a character's mood is less than -10, they will fidget angrily when standing around doing nothing, if they have such an animation.
  • Alternatively, if a character's mood is less than 0 but greater than -10, they will fidget...uh, sadly, when standing around doing nothing, if they have such an animation.
  • Much of their "idling" or "walking" facial behaviors and general demeanor will be decided based the above two thresholds, in fact.
  • Mood factors into the compatibility rating between two characters. When two characters are near each other and socializing, relationship values are being formed on the backend. The more their personality values differ, the less likely they'll end up getting along. This basically decides their friendship and romance values in a way that is not affected by the player or game events. This ends up factoring into their reactions to each other while in each other's proximity. Mood (positive or negative) is directly applied to compatibility calculations.
  • A high mood can directly result in a happy emote when seeing another character, a mood slightly less than 0 can result in a sad emote, and a mood less than -10 can result in an angry emote, even if there is a moderate positive or negative relationship with the other character in question. Think of this like: you pissed Ashley off bigtime, so she's perma-mad, so even when she talks to say Amy, who she might be friendly with, she continues to look mad.
  • Low mood can also cause characters to hang out for a shorter amount of time with other characters, when they get a Roaming hangout request.
  • In general, Mood less than -10 will always result in an angry looking/behaving NPC, Mood between -10 and -1 will usually make for a sad NPC, Mood between 0 and 5/10 will make for a neutral-ish happy NPC, and Mood > 10 will always result in a happy NPC...with the exception of certain states being in play like Upset, etc.
Mood is affected BY the following:
  • Unless set in the CSC, Mood always begins at 5.
  • Without any CSC scripting in place, if Mood is above 0, it will slowly creep back down to zero.
  • Without any CSC scripting in place, if Mood is below, it will slowly creep up to zero.
  • If a character has the Upset state, Mood will continuously decrease by 1 until Upset is cleared/off.
  • If a character has the Happy state, Mood will continuously increase by 1 until Happy is cleared/off.
  • The following events or emotes affect Mood when experienced by the character that receives them:
    Lost Balance (when knocked out): -5 Mood
    Happy: +1 Mood
    Sad: +1 Mood
    Angry: +2 Mood
    Ecstatic: +2 Mood
    Flirty: +1 Mood
    Scared: -1 Mood
    Surprised: -1 Mood
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:37 am

Re: Question about mood attributes

Thank you very much for your time to write that long explanation! :D

One more question. How can we check mood value at a certain point using console command?
Posts: 1602
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Question about mood attributes

You can use
values list CHARNAME

Which will also list Mood as one of variables.
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