Creating stories without CSC

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Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:31 am

Creating stories without CSC

It seems that the Custom Story Creator (CSC) is now extinct. There have been queries about whether there will be CSC released for House Party version 1.3+ and all were met with radio silence.

There are still a few stories being created and maintained without the use of CSC, and I would like to do this too. I don't expect anyone to take the time for a tutorial or anything, but is there any collected information on how to create custom stories for HP 1.3+? What editor to use; do I need Unity experience or coding knowledge; good starting points, etc?

Any help is appreciated.
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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: Creating stories without CSC

This only reflect my pôint of view and can not be consider for eek!teams answer (i'm not a team member)

I would say worst idea ever. Keep using the outdated tool, it will produce far better stuff than doing everything on your own.

By that i mean, you can use notepad to create a whole Custom Story, but the probability you miss one check that the CSC did for you is way too much. You will also have to find out the numeric value of all enums you will encounter.

In my pov, just keep using CSC for the part that work well with it and only edit the new stuff by hand. This should ease your custom story creation and debug.
For doing my translations, current CSC is enough to generate the template.

Also, about the CSC, there is no real in-game feature expect the clothing/character customization, and the 1.3.x branch doesn't seems to be finished in my pov.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:31 am

Re: Creating stories without CSC

Thanks for the advice, ttant. I was not thinking of using a text editor to build a story from scratch, but to edit an existing template. Obviously I would prefer to use CSC. I understand that both you and chimneyfish are using old CSC. I have tried to do this but have not been able to import current version of Original Story to the CSC, (gives error message, fields in CSC do not populate,) or export from CSC to v1.3.3 of the game (characters don't spawn etc.)
I am using latest available CSC and Unity 2020.3.48f1. Any idea what I'm missing?
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