I will be taking inventory of old or buggy stories over the course of today. Those that utilize a game version prior to 0.18.x or that cause major gameplay/application issues during a quick play through will be disabled (in the in-game download tool; Custom Story forum posts will remain untouched) until such time that they are updated. I will also post this message in our Discord (link below), and will re-update both this and the Discord post with a list of stories that get disabled. If your story gets disabled and is later made ready to be updated/re-enabled, please reply to this post directly or notify the moderation team on Discord. This post will remain stickied for one month to allow story creators ease-of-visibility.
Quiet Night In (0.21.2) was disabled due to what appears to be a possibly infinite, or at least extreme amount of EventTrigger looping (RockPaperScissorNextGame, RockPaperScissorsPlayerStartWithInvitee, etc.) that can occur as part of the Rock, Paper, Scissors sequence, causing a StackOverflowException and an application crash. This is most evident after a full RPS sequence, with hints and/or debug mode on in the story, right after Amy Dialogue 11 closes. The author needs to address this.