Stephanie gets TOO naked

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Stephanie gets TOO naked

I didn't know it was possible to get this naked, but leave it to a professional.
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I had her clothes customized (I do not own the new clothing DLC) with a decal. All worked. It was just her default dress, nothing special.

I don't think this is related, but things I did: I had Valentine's DLC turned on. Turned that off and downloaded Halloween and Holiday. After this (none of them turned on) she was broken across multiple saves, including old ones.

Now her mid torso and crotch polys are just gone.

I tried turning Valentines back on, no change.

I had updated the decal, so I reset her customization entirely to default. No change.

She is fine in saves with clothes on. Initiating intimacy in another save, and no problems with her naked there.

I attached a save just in case.
Steph Path and
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Re: Stephanie gets TOO naked

Was easily reproducable. In another play, where she was clothed, asking her to dance topless worked fine. But then save and reload, and its messed up again.

Also when she takes off her dress for intimacy, and still wearing underwear, you can see there are missing crotch polys that the underwear mostly covers (but torso is fine).
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