第一次来玩这游戏,但不会说英语,只能表述自己的中文水准,我留意这游戏很久了,终于在STEAM东销时候入手这游戏,但发觉游戏的自定义故事对中国玩家很不友好,切换自定义故事还是英文模式,请版主可否考虑下翻译中文 谢谢!thank you!
Gogole translate:
It’s my first time to play this game, but I can’t speak English and can only express my Chinese skills. I have been paying attention to this game for a long time, and finally bought it when STEAM was selling it. However, I found that the custom story of the game is very difficult for Chinese players. Unfriendly, switch between custom story and English mode. Could the moderator consider translating it into Chinese? Thank you!
edit by ttant: translate into english, as most people doesn't read chinese.