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Minor Skinning Issue With Brittney

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:51 am
by MajorDong
Brittney seems to have a brunette scalp under her blonde hair, and when your doing her doggystyle, it produces some unfortunate visuals.
Brittney doggy
Brittney doggy
20230727212624_1.jpg (407.85 KiB) Viewed 36107 times
You get an idea of what I'm talking about from this still, but IMHO, the actual animation is much more jarring. As she tilts her head, you can see a strange gap appearing between her head and neck, and for a moment it looks like her head's about to fall off. Totally kills the immersion.

I only bring such a minor issue up because I suspect it would be really easy to correct. 5 minutes of the devs' time in photoshop to change Brittney's scalp bitmap from brunette to blonde. Even if the results are a little messy, I'm sure they'll be much less jarring than they are now.