General info on modding

For texture mods or other House Party mods. Texture mods are the only mods (other than Custom Stories) formally supported by Eek! Games at this time.
Forum rules
Please follow all Eek! Forum rules.

All mods posted here are user-created, and offered "as is" by those users/authors.

Any mods not posted here will be deleted immediately.

Any mod that stops functioning as intended or that unexpectedly compromises the game experience for a user or the stability of their system will be deleted immediately. Regardless of our intent to moderate, note that use of ANY of these mods is at your own risk.

Eek! reserves the right to enforce any of the above rules and/or delete mod content without warning. Create and manage your own backups.
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Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

General info on modding

If you experience issues with a mod, DO NOT CONTACT EEK ABOUT IT. They have nothing to do with it. Rather ask around in the community or ask the mods creator!

Eek is not responsible for compatibility of mods, mods (not) working or any other issue experienced when modding the game in any way.

You can also refer to the links here for help.

Some links to get you started: If you want to get into creating your own mods, I suggest first reading through it all (especially the MelonLoader Wiki), and maybe following along by creating a simple mod as an exercise.

This mod could for example detect some game state, then print output to the console. Through all the documents linked in the ones I linked you should also be able to get a grasp of the restrictions imposed by il2cpp on custom stuff, but normal Unity engine shenanigans work quite well.

Feel free to contact me if you have any serious questions. You'll probably find me in the House Party discord server.
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