I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I don't see any rules about it.
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This mod randomizes the locations of certain items everytime you start a game.
Either a save game, new game, custom story, anything really.
Code: Select all
Items clipped through a wall will get a texture which is visable through walls. (by game design)
The following keybinding only works when the game has started. Use when needed but not recommended.
(hold)leftCTRL + (hold)leftALT + (numpad) 9
- Respawns all items to different location
Installing mods
Make sure you have installed the game and atleast started the game once before you continue.
- Download MelonLoader.Installer.exe
- Run MelonLoader.Installer.exe.
- Click the SELECT button.
- Select and Open the Game's EXE in your Game's Installation Folder.
- Select which Version of MelonLoader to install using the Drop-Down List. (Or leave it as-is for the Latest Version.)
- Click the INSTALL or RE-INSTALL button.
Mods (dlls) which you would like to install should be copied into the `Steam\steamapps\common\House Party\Mods` folder.
For example
Code: Select all
Steam\steamapps\common\House Party\Mods\ItemRandomizer.dll
Source code can be found on github