[Mod] ItemRandomizer

For texture mods or other House Party mods. Texture mods are the only mods (other than Custom Stories) formally supported by Eek! Games at this time.
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Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:49 pm

[Mod] ItemRandomizer

! IMPORTANT: This is not a custom story

I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I don't see any rules about it.
If this is against the forum rules please feel free to delete this post.

This mod randomizes the locations of certain items everytime you start a game.
Either a save game, new game, custom story, anything really.


Code: Select all

Items clipped through a wall will get a texture which is visable through walls. (by game design)
The following keybinding only works when the game has started. Use when needed but not recommended.

(hold)leftCTRL + (hold)leftALT + (numpad) 9
- Respawns all items to different location

Installing mods
Make sure you have installed the game and atleast started the game once before you continue.
  1. Download MelonLoader.Installer.exe
  2. Run MelonLoader.Installer.exe.
  3. Click the SELECT button.
  4. Select and Open the Game's EXE in your Game's Installation Folder.
  5. Select which Version of MelonLoader to install using the Drop-Down List. (Or leave it as-is for the Latest Version.)
  6. Click the INSTALL or RE-INSTALL button.
After this the installation directory of the game should contain a new folder called Mods.

Mods (dlls) which you would like to install should be copied into the `Steam\steamapps\common\House Party\Mods` folder.

For example

Code: Select all

Steam\steamapps\common\House Party\Mods\ItemRandomizer.dll

Source code can be found on github
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Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:49 pm

Re: [Mod] ItemRandomizer


- Fixed bug where Key Binding did not register
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