[MOD] Audio mod for custom music

For texture mods or other House Party mods. Texture mods are the only mods (other than Custom Stories) formally supported by Eek! Games at this time.
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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

[MOD] Audio mod for custom music

HP Audio
A mod to add custom music to House Party. Simply install and then drop your mp3 files here: Documents\Eek\House Party\Mods\Songs

Make sure you have installed the game and at least started the game once before you continue.

1. Download Melonloader.Installer.exe
2. Run MelonLoader.Installer.exe.
3. Click the SELECT button.
4. Select and HouseParty.exe from where the game is installed.
5. Select the latest Version of MelonLoader.
6. Click the INSTALL or RE-INSTALL button.
7. Place the Audio.dll into the Mods folder.

Put your Songs into: C:\Users\<your user>\Documents\Eek\House Party\Mods\Songs


Code: Select all

| keys                   | action                                 |
| ALT + 3                | toggles the UI for the song selection. |
Using the mod

To interact with the UI, pull up any menu in game. Inventory works very well.

It only works in the Original Story so far!
I tried my bet to integrate it into the games Audiosystem, but its not all perfect.
You can turn the speakers on and off however you like and it should be like usual,
if you encounter issues please report them to me.
To stop custom music you can either use the button in the UI or select anything on the TV.

Rachael does not yet understand the custom music so she will complain until you docked the mp3 player.
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Re: [MOD] Audio mod for custom music

I have installed it according to you, I must say it is very successful, thank you for sharing your article.
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