[Mod] Freecam 2.4.1 by Lenny (with third person mode)

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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

[Mod] Freecam 2.4.1 by Lenny (with third person mode)

The freecam mod for House Party by Eek! Games! Now with third person mode!
(24.49 KiB) Downloaded 890 times
Download it here, or on nexus or get it here on github.

You can use the freecam itself to take nice pictures and whatnot (TAB[defaut] to disable the ingame UI).
To use third person mode, you need to activate the freecam using alt+f, then the third person camera using alt+t. This setting will be saved, so whenever you start the game from now on, you'll start in third person mode.

1. Download MelonLoader.Installer.exe
2. Run MelonLoader.Installer.exe.
3. Click the SELECT button.
4. Select and HouseParty.exe from where the game is installed.
5. Select the latest Version of MelonLoader.
6. Click the INSTALL or RE-INSTALL button.
7. Place the Freecam.dll into the Mods folder.

Refer to this document here for info on how to make House Party moddable.

Source code is available on github.


Code: Select all

| keys                   | action                                                                |
| ALT + F                | toggles the freecam on or off, last position is saved and resumed to. |
| ALT + T                | toggles third person mode on or off, last state is saved and resumed to. The third person camera is automatically disabled whenever necessary (cutscenes) |
| ALT + G                | reverts control back to the main camera, but leaves the freecam open. |
|                        | So in Menus you can select stuff, in game you can walk around freely. |
| ALT + V                | teleports the freecam to the player's head when possible.             |
| ALT + H                | hides the games own camera                                            |
| ALT + U                | toggles the UI                                                        |
| W, A, S, D, Ctrl, Space| forward, left, back, right, down, up                                  |

Last edited by seehofer on Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:50 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

Great mod. I noticed that unlike Illusion games some scenes aren't true: no true blowjob or true kissing when you switch from POV to freecam.
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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

Bugfix and new version out(1.3.3)
(6.61 KiB) Downloaded 2388 times
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:34 pm

Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

MelonLoader framework, a FreeCam requirement, stopped working for me after the 1.0.6 update. I've tried v0.5.3, v0.5.5 and v0.5.7. v0.5.3 crashes after MelonLoader init, while v0.5.5 and v0.5.7 both crash after the intro.
Has anyone succeeded getting it working?
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Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:04 pm

Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

sh1ny wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:36 pm MelonLoader framework, a FreeCam requirement, stopped working for me after the 1.0.6 update. I've tried v0.5.3, v0.5.5 and v0.5.7. v0.5.3 crashes after MelonLoader init, while v0.5.5 and v0.5.7 both crash after the intro.
Has anyone succeeded getting it working?

Hello. You should try downloading the melonloader version 0.4.2 and 64 bit setup.
It works fine on my end.
My version of the game is 1.0.6
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Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

how do you move the freecam?
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

Re: [Mod] Freecam by Lenny

For the game versions after 1.0.6 use the new release i just published together with the melonloader patch
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri May 24, 2024 10:06 am

Re: [Mod] Freecam 2.3.0 by Lenny

i cannot get it to work, does it not work with current version? i have melon isntalled, and placed file in mod folder, but says error , something about .net runtime 6.0? idk, help please :D
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri May 24, 2024 10:06 am

Re: [Mod] Freecam 2.4.1 by Lenny (with third person mode)

It’s in mods folder, go to launch and immediate error . il2cpp_init Detour Failed: Failed to load hostfxr. please make sure you have installed the .NET 6.0 Run time. How do I fix this ?
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