[Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

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[Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

I liked My Kind of Party so I decided to enhance this custom story. Added more dialogue, more ways to lose, and more story content.


:arrow: French translation

Edit by ttant: replace zip by the last version available in-game as of october 4th.
Sex Drunk Party.zip
Sept. 21th, 2020 version from CSU
(441.7 KiB) Downloaded 6829 times
Last edited by ivan0408 on Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

While I have been having fun with this, there are a few things to note.

1. Anytime Madison has an orgasm from someone, Frank accuses you of banging his sister even if you didn't.

2. I understand you introduced other ways to lose, but I think onc3 you beat Derek in the competition, you should no longer have to worry about being milked because you cannot finish the other quests, namely My Kind of Party. If there is a way not to be milked, please let me know.

3. Awesome how Ashley just bangs random people! Lol!

4. The music quest for Steph reports as failed even when you go through with the whole thing.

5. You mentioned this has more story content. Can you elaborate on that because I didn't find it.

Good work overall though.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

Download the file you need, and extract it in :
C:\Users\**username**\Documents\Eek\House Party\Mods\Languages\ folder.

Note :
* untested.
* updated october 4th to fix some typos
Sex Drunk Party 2020-09-21-fr.zip
(75.52 KiB) Downloaded 1425 times
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

Thanks for the feedback. I posted an update:

- fixed the bug when Madison has an orgasm and Frank starts a fight even though player wasn't involved
- fixed a bug where the player is unable to have sex when making out with a girl

There isn't a whole lot more dialogue, but I could add more later.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

ivan0408 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:22 am Thanks for the feedback. I posted an update:

- fixed the bug when Madison has an orgasm and Frank starts a fight even though player wasn't involved
- fixed a bug where the player is unable to have sex when making out with a girl

There isn't a whole lot more dialogue, but I could add more later.
So, is there a way to avoid being milked and losing the game?
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

Yes it's possible, if you make all the right moves. You will need some luck as well.
Posts: 162
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

ivan0408 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:16 pm Yes it's possible, if you make all the right moves. You will need some luck as well.
Nice. So far, the highest I got was 80% because I waited for girls to start with each other, and then timed it to take over. It still is tough. It would be cool to find a secret item that could make you last all night.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

DigitalSerpent7 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:20 pm
ivan0408 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:16 pm Yes it's possible, if you make all the right moves. You will need some luck as well.
Nice. So far, the highest I got was 80% because I waited for girls to start with each other, and then timed it to take over. It still is tough. It would be cool to find a secret item that could make you last all night.
Hey there ivan0408,

Nice job on the new variation! I played twice through and twice through got distracted and forgot to hit escape to pause, and lost because of this. Certainly not like original House Party! I kind of like what you did with the timed gaming, but I feel like a game like yours should not be time based, but turn based. And not based on ratings of "correctness" with the NPCs stories, since you have to follow specific NPCs around to get all of their stories, while missing other stories, in one playthrough. I get it, you want people to keep playing your story. Or maybe I'm missing something!

But in my head, the turns are The Player, Derek, and Patrick. Wash, rinse, repeat until The Player wins. Frank should never get to bang anyone in my head. Frank's an asshole that would be better off banned from the party.

And another thing, when Derek bangs Brittney before The Player interacts with her, she kept her clothes on. And it seems all of the girls put their clothes back on before sex has ended.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

And seriously, who wants more ways to lose? Does anyone, really? Come on, really?

Like when you're arguing with your significant other, the first thing you think of is, "How can I lose this small argument for now, so that I can win the big argument later?" At least, that's how I deal with it. It works roughly 80% of the time.

It would be a good strategy world wide. If intelligent people let less intelligent people lose arguments properly, so that said dumb people who lost arguments could save face! And allow for the smarter people to decide what is going to be.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sex Drunk Party [0.16.5]

golddragon22 wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:33 amAnd it seems all of the girls put their clothes back on before sex has ended.
I think this is the same issue as in My Kind of Party.
Post-sex events are tied to female orgasm, so if her org. ber is filled first, she would get clothed.

The correct way to do this would be to tie this to player (or male) org. event and have a check for who is a partner to trigger events for a specific girl. And have an alternate event for girls cunnilingus, which would also check if that intimacy pose is used, with the player as a partner (or another girl/guy), and then do the same thing.
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