[Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

For older custom stories that do not work with the last one to three releases of House Party. Please be very specific as to what versions of the game the story you post will work with. Any posts without documented confirmation of version compatibility or significant user complaints of said story NOT working with the documented game version will be removed.

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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

You can ask Rachael to get on a date with Derek, even before Derek asks you to do that.
For some characters, you lose the option to switch to some positions (like Cowgirl for Vickie). I think this is due to the dialog response set to only appear once. Some characters will eventually be left with 4-5 positions tops due to this.
Introduction message is shown on every game load, not just a new game.
During the striptease scene, you can change intimacy positions while girls have clothes. Either remove clothes on change or restrict choice to positions that work while girls are dressed.
During the striptease scene, girls that get naked will cover themselves. You can fix this by raising their exhibitionism to 100. You can always return this to a lower value when they dress up, so they don't always go naked in a hot tub).
You can not call Ashley to private time, even after the striptease scene.
Amy does not have a goodbye line.
No option to strip bra from Rachael, during sex. Same for Leah.
Katherine is now removing clothes when asked to get naked when in private.
Some characters may leave striptease scene. Not sure if it happens always or only on savegame load. And other guys may not be where expected.
At some point, a speaker is shown inside the hot tub.
Amy will badly react to player undressing during the striptease.
Stephanie never dresses her panties back.
Ashley can both have top and untied top.

Despite everything saids. Story and game mechanism look decent.
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

Uh... What hoppin to the download link for the English version of the mod?

I goofed up and deleted my mod installation so I came back to download fresh mods again
and the French mod link is here but the English version is not.

What is the status on updates for this mod? Is that why the English link is missing? It is being

I like da orifice party!!! Bring it back updated or not!?!?!

Pa.. Pa.... Paaallleeeeezzzzzzzz!!
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

I guess this custom story is abandoned.
Maybe there is still the original version in the CSU (in game way to download custom story)
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

Still a shame that story itself was removed from the forums.
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

Why would only the English version be removed? The french version is still available on page 1.

Did the creator leave the forums on us?

I guess I will have to dig through my downloads and see if I have a copy somewhere.

Real bummer if it died on us. It has a LOT of potential and still shows as incomplete which
would seem to mean the creator planned to add more to it along the way.

Where is my triangle! I need to ring the triangle and see if we can wake up the creator!! :idea:
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}


Ummm... Yeah... I know.. I have asked this before... But.. I HAVE to ask agin!

Where did the English download link go?

I need a fresh download copy of the story including the latest English language update (s) but the English download
link is missing from the entire post for the story! :o :o :( :( :( :(

Have been lookin forward to the "complete" version for the newest game version too!

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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

LLLeon2017 wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:52 am Where did the English download link go?

I need a fresh download copy of the story including the latest English language update (s) but the English download
link is missing from the entire post for the story!
Have you check the in-game feature ?
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

ttant wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:20 pm Have you check the in-game feature ?
I am a little lost on that ttant.. What in-game feature are you referring to? I HAD this mod downloaded from the original
english link a few months ago but lost it during a hard drive cleanup action forgetting which external hard drive I moved
it to.. My blond senile moments struck again.. And of course I came back looking to grab a new copy with hopes that it,
the story mod, may have been updated or maybe even completed by now with updates more compatible with ver. 19.4,,

Are you referring to downloading the French version of the mod and using the game console or main menu to select the
English language version?

Thanks by the way for the fast response to my inquiry on the matter... :)
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

I'm not referring to the translation. When you start recent HP version, you have a button in top right corner (custom stories) which allows you to install custom story for you. This feature requires a different account (that means your forum account doesn't work there).

Maybe this custom story is available there.
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Re: [Incomplete Story] Office Party [0.16.5] {CSC 0.16.5}

ttant wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:32 am I'm not referring to the translation. When you start recent HP version, you have a button in top right corner (custom stories) which allows you to install custom story for you. This feature requires a different account (that means your forum account doesn't work there).

Maybe this custom story is available there.
I will have to check that option out. I had tried that little link right after it showed up but it would not do anything back then so I figured it wasn't quite ready to use back then. Have not tried to use it since with the normal button for downloading the latest story mods is still available in the main selection menu box..

I take it that that link goes to somewhere other than the Eek site for stories then??

Thanks ttant. I will see what happens.
Laters! :)
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