[Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

toxic wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:02 am Hey man I love the story here but I seem to be having a problem with Amy's opportunity. When I go to the night stand to get the condom it doesn't appear to be there. It's apparently glitches so that it doesn't move with the drawer and it remains in one place where I cant grab it. I've restarted and everything but doesn't seem to be working. Was hoping you can do a quick fix of that.
rizkydztar wrote: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:17 pm Please update to 0.9.3 version
Responding to both these because they likely have the same solution/answer. Until there's a new version of the story creator out I can't upgrade to the newest version. Last I heard from Erasmus was that the next CSC would be out within a week of the newest version of the game coming out
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

toxic wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:02 am Hey man I love the story here but I seem to be having a problem with Amy's opportunity. When I go to the night stand to get the condom it doesn't appear to be there. It's apparently glitches so that it doesn't move with the drawer and it remains in one place where I cant grab it. I've restarted and everything but doesn't seem to be working. Was hoping you can do a quick fix of that.
I found a way to fix this before the new CSC tool comes out and have uploaded it to the original post. You now need to ask around the party to see if any of the girls have one. I kindly ask people not to spoil who has it as the different answers they give are pretty fun so even if a girl doesn't have it it's still worth seeing what she says
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

I saw it's out and started digging into it and making the equivalent of this with all the new story content that was added is going to take me a while to dig through and get a feel for what is going on here. I try to preserve as much of the original story as possible so as the story gets more and more robust doing these will take me longer and longer to complete. I also try to make each one a little different than the ones I've done before which is why I don't just import the previous story as a starting point. I'm also still undecided on how much of the new NPC <> NPC intimacy I want to include as it is something I've been hoping for for quite a while but it's not in good shape at the moment with the NPCs not lining up well at all for them and them being

I'm also doing a smaller/sillier (but still sexual) basically storyless story that won't take me long to do and will likely be out this weekend. I needed a bit of a break from this as this is a pretty big undertaking and it's one I've been repeating since the fall with various versions of the story creator so a little break to recharge the creative juices would do me some good
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

mada7 wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:41 pm
toxic wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:02 am Hey man I love the story here but I seem to be having a problem with Amy's opportunity. When I go to the night stand to get the condom it doesn't appear to be there. It's apparently glitches so that it doesn't move with the drawer and it remains in one place where I cant grab it. I've restarted and everything but doesn't seem to be working. Was hoping you can do a quick fix of that.
I found a way to fix this before the new CSC tool comes out and have uploaded it to the original post. You now need to ask around the party to see if any of the girls have one. I kindly ask people not to spoil who has it as the different answers they give are pretty fun so even if a girl doesn't have it it's still worth seeing what she says
or u can just use console player inventory add condom
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

Hi mada7,

I imported the custom story from "Even Sluttier Party" (which is modified from your "Sluttier Party" but the changes ware made only in the dialogue part as the author claimed) and then tried to create additional interactions.

I have created an event that will warp Brittney to the bed(right) in the Master Bedroom (let's call it Event A). Afterward, one of the three male NPCs may walk to the Master Bedroom (referred to as Event B) to have sex with Brittney (this is Event C) depending on the dialogue. (p.s., I imported the stories of the male NPCs from the Original Story.)

To do so I use the dialogue to set a new variable to 1, which will then trigger a periodical event (Event B) for Frank to walk to Brittney. When the distance between Frank and Brittney is less than 2, another sex event (Event C) will be triggered.

Now Frank will walk to Brittney when the Event B is triggered, but then he will stop at/around the door of Master Bedroom while his "CurrentMoveTarget" is still set to Brittney. I have already set Frank's "AbleToRoam" to 1 and reset his Use_State_AbleToRoam to True.

It seems that the event triggers are all set up correctly, because if I warp Frank directly to Brittney using console command when Frank is standing by the door or if Brittney tries to leave the room and gets close enough to the door, they will start to have sex (Event C). Also, the same configuration works perfectly for Derek and Patrick, but just not for Frank.

I reported it as a bug, and erasmus suggested me to contact the original author. I wonder if you have made any changes in your script to prevent Frank from entering the Master Bedroom? Or, do you have any suggestion where I can start to look at to resolve the issue?

Thanks for your help/comments in advance.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

fantacy009 wrote: Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:04 pm Hi mada7,

I imported the custom story from "Even Sluttier Party" (which is modified from your "Sluttier Party" but the changes ware made only in the dialogue part as the author claimed) and then tried to create additional interactions.

I have created an event that will warp Brittney to the bed(right) in the Master Bedroom (let's call it Event A). Afterward, one of the three male NPCs may walk to the Master Bedroom (referred to as Event B) to have sex with Brittney (this is Event C) depending on the dialogue. (p.s., I imported the stories of the male NPCs from the Original Story.)

To do so I use the dialogue to set a new variable to 1, which will then trigger a periodical event (Event B) for Frank to walk to Brittney. When the distance between Frank and Brittney is less than 2, another sex event (Event C) will be triggered.

Now Frank will walk to Brittney when the Event B is triggered, but then he will stop at/around the door of Master Bedroom while his "CurrentMoveTarget" is still set to Brittney. I have already set Frank's "AbleToRoam" to 1 and reset his Use_State_AbleToRoam to True.

It seems that the event triggers are all set up correctly, because if I warp Frank directly to Brittney using console command when Frank is standing by the door or if Brittney tries to leave the room and gets close enough to the door, they will start to have sex (Event C). Also, the same configuration works perfectly for Derek and Patrick, but just not for Frank.

I reported it as a bug, and erasmus suggested me to contact the original author. I wonder if you have made any changes in your script to prevent Frank from entering the Master Bedroom? Or, do you have any suggestion where I can start to look at to resolve the issue?

Thanks for your help/comments in advance.
This is the newer version not the one you modified. The names are sorta misleading granted but I just keep trying to come up with new titles to indicate a different version of this story. All the guys I moved to the loading dock so they aren't in the story in any way whatsoever other than to allow saving. I have not touched either this story or the one you got since the new version of the story creator came out so it's likely caused by version incompatibilities
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

Overall i love your stories but I'd be more interested if you made your own standalone story that doesnt really follow the original story. It would add the game more freshness. Keep up the good work.
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

In katherine dialogs:

Code: Select all

By "hypothetically", you mean you want me to do it for you, right?  Just get me a laptop with internet and a mobile phone I can use and I'll send your message for you. I'll use my phone I might be able to snag some sexy pictures from whoever you want to hack
I think, you can drop the "and a mobile phone" part, as she will use her own.

In madison dialogs:

Code: Select all

Your buddy Derek invited you to a House Party.  Just arriving, you see that the party is already in progress and there are several people here.  Looking around, the attendance seems entirly of the female variety.  This might be your lucky night. Y 
As derek is not present, would it be better if you got an anonymous invitation to this party ?

Btw, i'm currently translating this custom story to french.

Edit. here it is.
Plqce the wip file in your C:\Users\****\Documents\Eek\House Party
Then do a riggh click extract here.
If everything is done properly, you should get files in C:\Users\****\Documents\Eek\House Party\Mods\Languages\Sluttier Party\French.

- this won't work on 0.9.4. Only tested with 0.8.8.
- Some translations are missing due to missing id in the orginal file (i guess).
- this zip file does not contain the custom story, only the translation.
Sluttier party 1.8-fr.zip
(96.81 KiB) Downloaded 1043 times
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Re: [Complete Story] Sluttier Party [0.8.8] {CSC 0.6.1}

ilikepizza99 wrote: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:12 pm Overall i love your stories but I'd be more interested if you made your own standalone story that doesnt really follow the original story. It would add the game more freshness. Keep up the good work.
I have actually been thinking of doing this at some point. I'm currently working on a different version of this type of thing but I have thought about doing my own original thing from scratch with lots more sex in it than the original. My thinking is to do such a story once we have a final version of the game and story creator so that in a month and a half from now I'm not recreating an entire story from scratch. Remaking these with more mechanics and story added in doesn't take as long (don't get me wrong it still takes a while I'm still only around 30% done the next version of this). I'd want whenever I do make from scratch story I'd want it to be something that can last. My other big concern is that I am not a good story teller/writer. I can make porn parodies of other people's stories (which is what I always considered these) but telling my own original story is daunting.

I always appreciate the compliments though so thank you very much. I will try to do a fully original story kinda like this but with different personalities, backstories, and events than the original at some point though.
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