Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

For older custom stories that do not work with the last one to three releases of House Party. Please be very specific as to what versions of the game the story you post will work with. Any posts without documented confirmation of version compatibility or significant user complaints of said story NOT working with the documented game version will be removed.

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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:30 pm

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

I don't know if it's just me or others have this same problem.... In the actual version(this case 0.10.4). After two girls have sex they stay stuck in the wall with the stairs and I can't interact with them. Twice.... One with Rachael and Katherine, other with Amy and Stephanie.... And I don't know how to continue....
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

hentaisp2002 wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:34 pm I don't know if it's just me or others have this same problem.... In the actual version(this case 0.10.4). After two girls have sex they stay stuck in the wall with the stairs and I can't interact with them. Twice.... One with Rachael and Katherine, other with Amy and Stephanie.... And I don't know how to continue....
I have run into the same problem with this story and another story. Seems there may be a coding issue between the present CSC and
the 10.4 game version that could be causing this. The last time it happened after trying to talk to ladies caught in the wall, I suddenly
found my avatar and the girl I was with stuck in the same wall corner. Very agrivating issue to say the least.

Even using the warpto command in console does not fix the issue since it can't seem to break them, or player avatar, free from this
wall issue.

Really hurts the fun in these stories since the only way out is to exit the game. :x :(
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

Confirmed. Got the same issue.

Note that the other story (Gone Bad Party), if installed as an override (mod of original story), it does not have the same issue.

So issue is specific with how game handles custom stories.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

Added a version that got parsed through the new custom story creator. Hopefully this works better. I'm going to be working on something new with the new CSC but I'll still pay attention to this thread in case any big issues come up that are easy enough to fix
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

Still getting the issue mentioned by the others.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

I downloaded new version(0.10.4/csc 0.8.0) but, it still getting problem(after sex stuck wall issue)_..

please fixed it sir
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

Its not something that is fixable by story creators. Its a bug in game code that only affects custom stories with NPC to NPC intimacy.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

So we can not do that until the bug is fixed?. so sad.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}/[0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

We are aware of the issue and will be addressing it as soon as we can! Sorry all!
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Joined: Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:07 am

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

whenever 2 girls had sex with each other they get teleported under the stairs and i cannot interact with them further, is this a bug if yes how do i fix it i tried warping them out but that doesnt work
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