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GoogleSafetyApi Detects House Party Gameplay as "Underage"

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:55 am
by Salty_Nutella
Hi there fellow party goers and Devs,

I came here today to talk about an extremely awkward situation. I really admire your game, House Party, I really do. The effort you guys put into the game, to make stories happen and dialogue come full circle, is something that many other adult games do not even come close at attempting. I look forward to your full release!

That is why I decided to make it part of my gameplay channel on xvideos (most visited adult website on Earth I believe?), where I ONLY post gameplay from adult games. Xvideos has an automatic content deciphering algorithm called "GoogleSafetyApi". It's primary role is to check if the videos you upload are safe and legal.

Well guess what. I uploaded a full start-to-finish playthrough of getting laid with Katherine (the cutscene one) and the system detected her as "underage". I am currently disputing this false claim, but the fact is that by tomorrow, my videos and channel will be forever deleted if no resolution is reached before that. Additionally, there is a clause in the content contract that says one can be prosecuted for posting content with non-adults in it.

The only advice I was given by x videos tech support said: "Please upload the ID and consent letter to continue with the dispute."

Of who? Katherine? MF she's literally an fictional adult character at a party with other fictional adults in a damn video game.
How tf am I going to ask her for her ID and consent?

At this point, I have nothing else to do. I could ask for a professional statement or direct contact from the Devs of House Party. Frankly, I don't think that will help with the case, but it's worth a shot.

If I do go to court for this nonsense, I will make sure that the case is dismissed and sue the parent company of xvideos for having an archaic content detection system that screws people over for nothing. Plus, it has potentially ruined my contracts with sponsors and a little bit of income.

Thanks for reading! Happy holidays. I will reply when I have answers.

Re: GoogleSafetyApi Detects House Party Gameplay as "Underage"

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:51 pm
by eekdon
Sounds like an awesome policy and even more awesome algo.

All human beings depicted in House Party are 18+. No exceptions. If they want an ID and a consent letter though, as you said that's off the table given Katherine's rather fictional nature.