I know since there has been debates lately REGARDING the DEMAND for new storylines especially what's been going on in the steam forums never said it better himself
https://steamcommunity.com/app/611790/e ... 08_9__2107 BY zl Gunit lz
"I understand having more male content in the game but there hasn't been a big update for the females outside new clothing in a long time. When is Vicki's storyline gonna get completed. When is there going to be any new female storylines. I feel like people have been pretty patient but this is just kind of sad at this point that we haven't seen any female storylines in over a year. I feel like this is a big part why the game has stalled and why your patreon hasn't grown. You're not playing to the market. Best of luck and I wish all the best for the game in the future but it's not worth the buy right now." Not going to say I support ALL that he says but HIS contention along with others commenting on this has me open to the LAND OF OPPUTUNNITY right now where i place my Bargain, My THOUGHTS on this stemming by how the character in reality how they are portrayed or played out I LEARN that Rachael and Vickie do dares together and ASHLEY is good at playing pranks, Madison too is good at game for pranks and she and her sister don't mind that they fight and despise one another they still show they are sisters and work together in Vickie Vixen Valentine content, Lety has proved to be a factor and asset in her own story content there no denying she can play a role as she did in Combat Training STORY, AS I continue to combat this It's PLAYING SIMPLE; they gang up on Poor little Amy since she is easily embarrassed. THEY Lure her into their game SINCE It is so easy for them to TRY when she's ALL alone them having all the fun as she looks on so it is very EASY when they can tempt her they tell her WHY SO QUIET Amy you messing out on the fun THE MORE THE MERRIER come enjoy us you can go first BUT they do NOT explain to her the formality of the agreement they just make her join them blindly, they just get her to agree on if she is willing to ACCEPT/attempt what happens since they tell her it's JUST for fun what worst can happen when we are ALL IN The same boat HAVING FUN Time TOGETHER like on an OUTING or AT THE BEACH, LITTLE did she know they were all placing their bets on one another and her joining their game it was no turning back, she was so inexperienced being the youngest she didn't know what to expect and she couldn't leave because she was CONTRACTED to be a part of their game whether she was PROVOKED or DECEIEVED she thought it was a joke since they made her do it as they made her joke about her ponytail BEING Cut when in reality it was similar to a Truth or Dare Kind of Game She did NOT know about this UNTIL it was too late despite TRYING to figure out WHY they doing THEIRS but she helplessly CONFINED to game it was time to pay up so she had no other choice she tried to run away but they all ganged up on her and attacked her braided her PONYTAIL before CHOPPING IT ALL OFF! I may NOT have done a good job with THIS BUT I will tell you WHAT the fan base will love this if you can work something out with this make it the best perfect it can be SINCE I was only giving a base to what it is A Little SYNOPSIS if you will JUST remember EVERYTHING WE FANS DO FOR THE GAME IS A MUST This is NOT Enthusiasm to say you wouldn't work something OUT It is understandable it may be too much to handle but in the best interest of the customers demand you GIVE them MORE freedom to talk since it will make everyone HAPPY! EDIT: IF YOU CAN BE SO KIND SINCE vickie's storyline is ABOUT to LOOM LARGE you may WANT TO INCLUDE this in her storyline if it is ok with you otherwise this be a STAND-ALONE to be COUNTED with future possible female storylines to come from the COMMUNITY to be ADDED. I DO MISS the old Amy model clothes I Miss how it used to clip the BRA through her Top LIKE How it does with Leah if YOU put the Bra on AFTER THE TOP Not sure if you would re-instate it back you know as an extra clothing change number but would be very NOICE if you DID that with Madison old outfit I never get to play with that looked like a working clothes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlaUVDMkbmQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5jFBnrrZP8 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so5tGTVoXVg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uZNRuqxmfE and Katherine old outfits etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T82JjZbLo0I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WysnF21i9QE REASON IT'S CALLED NOSTALGIA! BRING THEM BACK THANK YOU VERY MUCH! AND CAN YOU do me a FAVOR PLEASE to GIVE Stephanie a matching BRA to HER PANTIES AND/Or BIKINI SET just like you did WITH BRITTNEY's Bikini Top on her OLDER OUTFIT AND NEW ONE So I May Select It AS AN EXTRA CLOTHING CHANGE NUMBER Please?