Amy and Brittney threesome plus fingering

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Joined: Thu May 16, 2019 5:17 pm

Amy and Brittney threesome plus fingering

An actual threesome in game would be good anyway, but I think it could happen during the truth or dare section of Amy's scavenger hunt in the hot tub with Brittney. You could add a dare for Amy and Brittney to kiss each other, then each kiss you, then dare either Brittney or Amy to go down on the other or kiss each other's nipples or something. At this point, assuming both are into it (which of course they are by this stage) they say they can't do it here (the hot tub) and need to go somewhere more private. Perhaps some extra challenge needs to be fulfilled to make it happen, eg finding a way to clear out Madison's room so it can happen with the door locked behind you. Then while one of the girls goes down on the other, you get to take her in doggy at the same time. Maybe make it a repeatable thing too so everyone can experience everyone. And also the possibility that you can mess up by saying the wrong thing right before the event unfolds and the girls kick you out locking the door behind them where you can hear them having fun inside without you.

Being able to finger the girls would be pretty cool, always loved doing it irl so would be sweet to do in game. Maybe it's an option whilst making out with a girl, but if the circumstances aren't right you get slapped for trying. If the circumstances are right, who knows where it could go.
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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Re: Amy and Brittney threesome plus fingering

Definitely a fun idea! Just bear in mind that we're almost entirely done with Amy's content in the male playthrough (other than fixing outstanding issues/bugs, filling plot holes, and integrating her into new stories). So this may be something we tackle in the female playthrough, or that will just have to be experimented with in a custom story.
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Amy and Brittney threesome plus fingering

Well, hopefully there is at least something for Vickie big ending.
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