Make The Back Fence Solid, Please

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Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:41 am

Make The Back Fence Solid, Please

Okay, so I used cheats to warp myself to Doja Cat's starting position behind the back fence, and was surprised to discover that the fence planks have no rear surface, meaning that you can see right through the supposed "fence" to all the goings on in the House Party back yard.

It'd be great if this fence could be made solid from the rear perspective, because I had this idea about playing a neighbor who peeps through the fence hole to watch his neighbors screwing in their hot tub.

My brief time in Doja's yard gave me the impression that maybe the fence hole might need to be redesigned slightly for this to work, as I thought it mightn't have a decent view of the hot tub. But considdering the problem that the fence doesn't obscure the view to begin with, that was kind of hard to determine.
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