READ Before Reporting - Required Info

Report any bugs you may encounter with the House Party CSC here.
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Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

READ Before Reporting - Required Info

Before reporting issues with the Custom Story Creator, please have the following information ready:
  • System specs: CPU, GPU, System RAM/Memory, Operating System and 32 or 64 bit OS?
  • Custom Story Creator version
  • Version of House Party you are trying to make a story for
  • Description of the issue and any other observations, e.g. can you repeat the issue, or does it only happen in certain circumstances?
  • If you remember, did this issue occur (or occur differently) in a previous Custom Story Creator version?
Additionally, try looking for an answer to your question in our Custom Story Creator Help subforum, and that you have tried the latest version of the HP CSC. See the Help subforum ( or our website for more info.

Thank you!