Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:43 pm

Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

So I am having this weird issue where characters seem to remember the first location they happened to be in and every other time they have sex they seem to warp to that location with the person they are having sex with. I saw this in a previous version but until now couldn't nail down what was going on. I believe this occurs only for the first time a character is on the receiving end and as a result don't orgasm during sex but am not 100% sure
Posts: 1613
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

Noticed it too. A real pain in custom stories.

Mentioned it even during beta.

Only workaround is save/reload before intimacy.

There is no scripting workaroud, as far as I know. It needs to be fixed by Eek devs...

And I though that neverending orgasm sounds (issue from 0.8.8+) was the biggest impediment to custom stories. I was so wrong... :(
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Re: Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

Alright thanks folks, sorry for the delay. Been busy juggling all the things. I'll have our lead dev look into it!
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

By the way, mada7, it looks you are almost right about the conditions.

If you have intimacy with character, but then "switch" to other character during intimacy, then first one will have an issue next time you have "intimacy" (teleporting to last location it had "intimacy"). Condition is just not finishing intimacy with original partner.

You can easily see this in Gone Bad Party story (if you know how to unlock the scenes).
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Re: Characters warping to where they first have sex [CSC 0.7.0]

We've got a ticket in for this one. We'll get to it as soon as we can.
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