[0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

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[0.8.8] Manually unlocking bathroom keeps Ashley bugged out

After Ashley humiliation, it is required to give Ashley keys, otherwise some of the characters states are not reset correctly (like roaming, constant running, etc).

But player can just unlock the bathrooms, which doesn't really do anything. There should be way for this to trigger restoration of Amy states.

Additionally, there is danger of getting bathrooms permanently locked by giving keys to Ashley. There should be trigger that will unlock all bathrooms if keys are given.

Improvement suggestion:
Would Ashley really continue wandering around bathrooms if they are locked, if naked?
Wouldn't it make more sense for her to retreat to her room?
And even if keys are given, why would she leave room afterwards, at all, if naked?
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[0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Alright, nothing wrong with the game that I can tell, however, I gave Ashley her clothes back after humiliating her (as I usually do) while she was upstairs hiding in the master bedroom. She then promptly ran downstairs to the bathroom there, now she won't leave the bathroom. Any ideas how to get her out of there?
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Wait so, if you did the humiliation quest, how did she get back into the master bedroom upstairs? Did you unlock that door after the whole Ashley/Madison 'finale' downstairs, and she just eventually ran back up? Did you give her the clothes without initiating any further dialogue, or did you talk to her first? If you warp her to another location does she go back to normal or does she run around as if she is naked/in distress? FYI for moving characters a WarpTo command is fairly safe as they will simply re-navigate to their WalkTo target based on their new position, just don't use it (or any console command, really) while an actual event between you and an NPC or NPC<->NPC is mid-trigger.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

It was after the whole humiliate Ashley with Madison downstairs, I went back upstairs to wait for the dryer to finish (in order to get Ashley's clothes) I unlocked the upstairs bathrooms while waiting. When I came down, I walked through the front room (where Frank sits), because the hallway was crowded, as I did so, Ashley ran from the kitchen/hallway area up the stairs to the master bathroom. I then proceeded to unlock the downstairs bathroom. I went upstairs, found Ashley in the master bathroom, gave her clothes to her without prior conversation. She said thanks, but that I was still an A**hole. I walked back out of the bathroom and down the hall looking to see if Madison had gone to any of the rooms there by herself - looking for my reward :D ; as I came back down the hallway towards the stairs, Ashley was running downstairs to the downstairs bathroom, shutting herself in there. Where she still is no doubt. I don't use any of the console commands (only know the ones for opening the liquor cabinet anyway) - I didn't use any of them.

I tried maneuvering into the bathroom, trying to basically push her out with my body, but couldn't get around her.

So what is the command to get her to go somewhere else out of the bathroom. Because now I am trying to untie her top so Madison will give me Vickie's number.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Try giving her bathroom key. I think that will unfreeze here from there.

Make sure to unlock all bathrooms first, so you do not get locked out of some bathrooms forever.

Kinda counter-intuitive. But one of the scripted behaviors was to give her key, to restore her to her normal self, not to unlock the door yourself.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Hello all,
My normal play scheme is to select the right responses for Ashley so as to get her panties while in the spare room. Then leave the room to put her clothes in the washing machine, and lock all of the bathrooms. Then I step into the laundry room as I go back upstairs (from locking downstairs bathroom) and use the clear eyes with the soda. Then I go back into the spare bedroom and give Ashley the tampered soda. I again leave the spare bedroom and move to the upstairs overlook area to watch the festivities. She goes through the same drill runs from one bathroom to the other cussing me along the way, until she ends up outside the downstairs bathroom. I go downstairs to watch for Madison to arrive and humiliate Ashley. Then I go back upstairs and take Ashley's clothes from the washer and put into the dryer. I don't usually have any other quests being worked on - or at least none that can progress any further at the moment - until other actions can be completed, so I just hang out and wait for her clothes to dry. Then go and unlock the two upstairs bathrooms, then go downstairs and return her clothes to her, and unlock the downstairs bathroom usually right afterwards.
She automatically gets dressed when she gets her clothes, then usually sulks there in the hallway for a few minutes then goes about her normal way.

But for some reason this last game she didn't. I don't normally give her the bathroom key , because I usually already have her panties and don't need to use the key bribe to get them.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

I think 0.8.7 and 0.8.8 changes a lot of in game logic regarding this quest to fix some issues.

But one thing that stayed after all this is that Ashley will not roam, until you give her the key. This explains why it stays in last unlocked bathroom, even though you gave her her clothes back.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Addendum on this whole thing.

If you give Ashley key without unlocking any bathrooms, she will enter the first one.

But later than, she will unsuccessfully try to enter the other two bathrooms, getting stuck in front of then for a minute or so, until roam script activates to move here otherwhere in the house.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Reposting here, since it is separate issue (although related), but thread is locked:

If not locking bathrooms, after tampering with soda and giving to Ashley, following will happen.

1) Ashley will stay in running state, after arriving in bathroom
2) She will roam around the house. despite her dress not being returned (this of course, does not trigger anything with Madison, since this is bugged state)

Have her return to her room, after bathroom, or just have her stay in bathroom. Any of that until dress is given back.
Running state should also get cleared.


Note that giving her dress at the end would still keep her in running state.
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Re: [0.8.8] Ashley won't come out of the bathroom...

Thanks all, was traveling for business over the last couple days so just catching up now. I will look through this and see what we need to make a ticket out of.
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