How detailed are we going to get?

For general House Party discussion, gameplay questions, and feedback. Also where to ask questions about how to avoid Frank of the House "Fister", First of His Name.
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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:44 pm

How detailed are we going to get?

In the long run, is there going to be anal as well? Threesomes? Toys to use? ECT

Other oral animations like perhaps a head bob? Think it's great already but trying to figure out what the long term plans are going to be
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Re: How detailed are we going to get?

We'll get somewhat more varied and detailed, but this can't be IRL Simulator '27 due to scope creep, etc. We have some new additions and improvements to intimacy scenes coming in the next release or two that should at least partially address some of questions/concerns you have. For now I wouldn't count on seeing any extremely niche character or intimacy additions for the foreseeable future, as we have a lot of fundamentals to work on.
Posts: 84
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Re: How detailed are we going to get?

So.. Speaking of things to come..

When might we expect to see Kat's Boyfriend, the Dick, show up to the party? Will there be options like he wants
to kick the player's arse for diddling his girl or a big argument leading to an alternative like her whipping him into
shape verbally or otherwise.. Maybe even making him sit and watch her have another go with the player just to
punish him?

The options with the character's personality are wide and far reaching... I personally can't wait to see what ideas
you all come up with for it. I just hope that by then you have fixed the player's abilities so we can jump and fight.

Keep it up! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: How detailed are we going to get?

Well, there is also Hugo, the Vickie manager.
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