Vickie's Valentines Questions/Walkthrough

For general House Party discussion, gameplay questions, and feedback. Also where to ask questions about how to avoid Frank of the House "Fister", First of His Name.
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Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:00 pm

Re: Vickie's Valentines Questions/Walkthrough

thanx for info. as for getting straight answers......that's why I called this thread....WALKTHROUGH.
So when someone like me who has searched & searched & is sick & tired of not finding it can have a place to go to get the answer.
AM I FORCING PPL WHO WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT FOR THEMSELVES TO READ THIS THREAD? NO! you sure do act like it. if you can't answer the question then DON'T.
I don't need ppl making me feel like shit cus I ask a question. this community makes me not want to come here or play this anymore. thanx for making me feel like shit.
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: Vickie's Valentines Questions/Walkthrough

Isn't the box really of the red color (like many of other boxes in the garage, since they all use same model with different coloring)?

Anyway, most important thing is that box is on the floor level of the shelf. So try every such box, and one of them should have interaction.

Also, the box is not interactive before you get at the point in story that you need to search for it.
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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:13 pm

Re: Vickie's Valentines Questions/Walkthrough

You are getting really hostile while asking for help...

Just to point out... the game goes out of its way to drop hints as to what to do, but it does require reading or paying a little bit of attention... The first time you walk into the garage no matter when it is, a dialoge box says how cold it is in the garage... that is the hint that its a cold place.. the game tells you this if you read or listen.... The phone text tells you that madison says she needs to find another cold place other than her fridge to store her "candy"... IE, the other cold place in the house the game told you about.... This at least gives you the room, of which only one thing is clickable or inspectable.... you just have to find it... not sure why your color is off...

As for the DVD, again, hints are dropped... when she hints about movies, you can find the DVD if you have not already in the original... its right in the open, yet cant do anything with (so far) in original... Now I have to admit, it took me sometime to figure out that more texts open up on the phone to give you hints.. but seeing how there is not much to click on or take in these short stories, its not that hard to deal with the few things you interact with... check the phone again and it drops the hint as to where the DVD is, but you dont even need it to get the draw in "I have never"....

You are calling everyone hostile since you just want the answers given too you... I get it... but dont be mad at people because you dont want to take the few seconds to read or comprehend what the game is telling you.... there is not much to these side missions stories... they are a quick fill and great part of the game... if these are stumping you... you are in for a treat trying to figure out Rachels storyline to completion...
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