[CSC 0.13.3] So you want background chatter in custom story. Here is how.

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[CSC 0.13.3] So you want background chatter in custom story. Here is how.

Some things to know:

1) Chatter voice lines are tied to id
2) You can't directly assign id from the CSC
3) Actual chatter text does not matter, since chatter is voice only

So what you want to do?

1) Use chatter text from original story as reference to see which id corresponds to chatter line you want to use
2) If you want to use chatter line 5, but not first 4, you need to create them anyway (by adding 4 lines and then 5 line), in order to iterate chatter id. Then make sure those 4 lines have "Is Conversation Starter" setting disabled. That way, they won't be used (exempt if specified in response of some other chatter)
3) For line you want to use, enable "Is Conversation Starter" if you want it to start on its own. Then set "Speaking To" to Anybody, if anyone else around can trigger it, or specific character if he/she needs to be nearby
4) You can put conditions when this chatter can be used
5) You can also define response line from some other character. Response line does not need to be "Is Conversation Starter"
6) You do not need to put anything in the text filed. It won't be used. Optionally, you can put some comment there for organization purposes, or copy the text from original story

And that's it. Happy chatting!
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