How to upload old stories to new version

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Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:34 pm

How to upload old stories to new version


I want to know how to take my old stories I made and switch them to the latest version of the CSC?
Posts: 1642
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: How to upload old stories to new version

Well, you first import them in the new CSC version. Then export them again.

Then test to see if there are any incompatibilities. The most common one is some new items popping in the game that need to get disabled.

Note that there may be more issues if the story is very old. Some CSC releases may have changed what was supported or changed some behaviors.

For example, a while ago, story NPCs did not require to be enabled, and would spawn in the house. But now, they need to be explicitly enabled through the game script.

I would recommend checking the release notes for the game's updates and searching for CSC changes, just to be aware of what was changed over time:
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Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: How to upload old stories to new version

I tried to import and got a bunch of errors does that mean I have to remake them?
Posts: 1642
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: How to upload old stories to new version

It depends on how old are stories.

What I would recommend is to check game update notes (search for CSC) between when you made your stories and the current version of HP, to know for what to watch out, so you could have some general idea of what could have broken.

Then, you can experiment and maybe remove those features that you know could break by loading the story in CSC version you have made them, remove what you think could be a problem, then export and then import in a new CSC version.

If you want to spend more time, you could even download some older CSC versions between the current one and the one you made story with and first try to import the story without error in some older CSC version first, then export and import in the newest one.
Posts: 1642
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am

Re: How to upload old stories to new version

With that said, I would not recommend updating "What dat mouth do [0.18.2]", since it was an edit of (now outdated version of) Original Story. I would recommend remaking that one.

For "Study Buddies [0.18.2]" and "Fight Club [0.18.2]" I would recommend trying to update them by identifying what is not compatible with a new CSC.
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