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[0.9.3] washer/dryer can be pushed around while running

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:50 am
by jarb01
when either the washer or dyer have ashley's clothes in them, they stop being static and you can push them around by sprinting into them.
its kind of fun, actually. i managed to kick the washer down the stairs and push the dryer into madison's closet.

Re: [0.9.3] washer/dryer can be pushed around while running

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:11 pm
by eekdon
Haha, yeah we had to 'release' them in order to allow them to bounce around while the clothes are in each, but in time we're probly just going to add some lights, racing stickers, and rely on a sound effect and animation combo.