Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

Lyle12 dropping bye to say hello to my favorite developers and had some ideas that popped in my head for the next game after seeing some of these in Shenmue. For Office Party, since we will have our own house or apartment, it would be neat to be able to do things like watch tv or have a gaming console to be able to play some games within a game, otherwise it will feel lonely or empty at times in your house. If you are worried about any licensing issues it could be a made up console game for all I care. Heck it is an adult game so could be one of those wink wink kind of games if you catch my drift. Just something. I think I read too that you can add posters and pictures for decoration, which that I very much like. Wouldn’t mind speakers for music as well.

If you really want to turn up the heat you can have access to internet at home and can order hookers for some late night fun or invite girl you met from office back to your place.

One last thing, as I very much like fighting mechanics I hope it carries over into Office Party. Maybe a fight dojo near your home for some practice or even as alternate story like in House Party with Combat Training.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

1. I would like to see consequences with relationships take shape as in having intimate relations with the CEO of the company grants you raises. Next thing you know you are raking in the big bucks and climbing the corporate ladder. Making a real name for yourself. Those big bucks you start earning can go towards helping you out on the outside with your apartment and other things. Possibly one of your co-workers you decide to hook up with can grant you favors. Maybe it is someone within the security office that can make you a badge to grant you into new areas of the building or maybe a key to sneak in after hours for late night fun. Another possibility is that your coworker can let you in on info that lets you login as someone and send embarrassing chats, emails, company advertisements from their computer to sabotage that person for your own gain.

2. Wouldn’t mind some character customization as well as in hair styles, tattoos, eye color, etc. Just all within reason and not unrealistic.

3. I saw this mentioned before in a slightly different scenario but photocopy of some nudes or of willing character’s butt to sabotage one of the corporate big wig’s high profile meetings would be great.

4. As male or female character I also want the ability to strip nude at anytime, anywhere, and roam the halls. There better be more than a comment of hey put that away. I would expect full security to eventually show and chase you down.

5. Office Party screams kinky so definitely more of that to include sex toys, spanking, group sex, and more. Perhaps one of the girls is wearing some nice high heels at work that turns you on so that leads into some footplay fun.

6. Ability to change view during sex acts from first person to third person with ability to rotate camera.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

I would suggest a tech improvement, and it is related to detail on character models.

In regular FPS/TPS game highest LOD (level of detail) characters are supposed to look good at the talking range. This same applies to House Party.

But House Party and future Office Party are not regular first-person view games.

They have intimacy scenes. And during those, characters are much closer to the player viewpoint, due to the first-person view nature of the game.

It would make sense if higher-level detail characters could be used during those scenes. With the current detail level, as used in House Party, a lot of imperfections can be seen, especially in the polygon complexity of characters.

And to save performance, the current House Party level of details should be kept for the talking range.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

I would like to have peeing in the next game. It feels a bit immersion breaking when people are drinking and noone goes to the toilet. In house party you have the ability to lock all the bathroom doors, which could leave to a funny situation if the party guests actually needed to use the toilet at some time. Running outside, or wetting themselves like in Sims. This could also be a way to pressure the party guests, "I have the key", or to prank them.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

What Sammaxbali said. Peeing would be funny like if you go down a route where boss is angry you can sneak up behind them and pee on them for further laughs. Possible bad route Steam achievement? :lol:

I like what Erasmus said, if it is possible, to be able to transfer your saves and consequences from House Party to Office Party to be able to affect certain things within the game too. Maybe have it enhance certain RPG elements within the game like fighting stats, sex stamina, or something entirely new within the game.

I want interactions with items and since this is an office setting if you have a really bad day or just not feeling it to be able to throw the computer out the window. Of course it leads to firing, but this could lead into Steam achievement as well.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

peter980 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:40 am I would suggest a tech improvement, and it is related to detail on character models.

In regular FPS/TPS game highest LOD (level of detail) characters are supposed to look good at the talking range. This same applies to House Party.

But House Party and future Office Party are not regular first-person view games.

They have intimacy scenes. And during those, characters are much closer to the player viewpoint, due to the first-person view nature of the game.

It would make sense if higher-level detail characters could be used during those scenes. With the current detail level, as used in House Party, a lot of imperfections can be seen, especially in the polygon complexity of characters.

And to save performance, the current House Party level of details should be kept for the talking range.
We do use the highest LOD version of the characters when they are close to the player:
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

Thanks for the feedback everyone! A small number of these items I think you might actually see implemented in House Party by the time it's out of Early Access, and we'll keep combing through this for when we move into Office Party development later on :D
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

this is not so much story suggestion or idea as i'm pretty sure more and more of those will be given, but what i would like to see is if office party has a custom story mode too, could you add all the original characters in with the new characters so we can make more varied stories and different stories.

My own personal thought and opinion is if your going to add any form of currency to the game then in the days between parties if your implementing work days give specific tasks that need to be completed (if possible random generation) to earn your pay for the day, whilst still trying to flirt/annoy/bang your work colleges/employees.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

We're hoping to make some familiar faces reappear in or around the office ;)

As for currency in-game, that's in the works too. The player will be able to earn a variety of...perks.
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Re: Brainstorming : Everybodies Ideas for Office Party!

erasmus wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:54 am We do use the highest LOD version of the characters when they are close to the player:
I am sorry to say this and I don't wish to be mean, but it simply doesn't look good enough to be the highest lod. Not in this day and age.

It is either Unity engine makes the highest lod look poor quality, or the highest lod is not high poly enough. I believe it is a combination of both.

1. Unity engine never had good shaders&post effects and no matter how much you tweak or modify it you can't make it look great. There are some decent shaders out there, but it is just that, decent. I wouldn't even call the shader this game has decent. This is a well known fact claiming otherwise would be pointless.

2. Body meshes are part of a set and they were never perfect to begin with. (they were not exactly made for this kind of purpose in the first place) Which is exactly why you can't have different body types and only thing you can modify is the breast size. It sucks for so many reasons.. Seriously.

I doubt you guys would ever do anything about the second point (I fully expect you to be in denial about that) but at least first point could be improved.

Improving the default shaders and adding some optional shaders you can swap from the menu (like some games does) would do a lot of good. I would much rather use photorealistic shaders for example.

Having things like Tessellation & Displacement, Subsurface Scattering and whatnot may not seem important, but it is. (please don't tell me this game already has Subsurface Scattering. If it does it is the poorest execution of it I have seen so far.)

Lastly I want to say, I only say these because I really enjoy this game and I really want it to be better. But I can't see anything other than some really mindbogglingly unimportant youtuber cameos.
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