Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

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Much Sluttier Party [0.10.4] {CSC 0.8.0}

A new version of sluttier party incorporating new features added. For those that haven't seen this before here's the highlights of what this is:

- Based off the original story but with a lot more sex
- Sex with everyone is possible
- Everyone can have sex with everyone (sometimes once, sometimes repeatedly)
- Negative responses gone
- Impossible to fail
- No covering up nudity

Some differences from my last one:
- Amy's scavenger hunt is almost all sex
- Rachael's dares are almost all sex
- Only need 1 orgasm to get back to vickie to pass her test (even if you don't have anyone else available at the time Amy will offer help)
- Instances where someone would be topless they're naked instead
- I went with a bit of a mushy/sappy story for one of the pairs of characters. I do hope people like it or at least read it because it is a lot of talking which I know is not really what people download this for. It's my first attempt at anything resembling proper storytelling/character development so I hope it doesn't suck.

This is probably going to be my last attempt at this type of story as this was a big job to put together. I'm not going to stop making stories but my next one(s) will only use the established characters and I'll try to tell my own complete story just with the basics of the characters already established so I hope people like my first attempt at actual story and character development so I don't need to keep sifting through 100+ lines of dialogue per character, most of which I don't use :). That said I always appreciate any feedback I get positive or negative.

I did my best to find any bugs/gaps in the story but if I missed anything let me know as this was really difficult to debug and write and I'll get a fix out for it asap.


EDIT: Updated version added to this post with some bug fixes

Added 10.4 compatible version but keeping previous version in case it works better
Much Sluttier Party
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Last edited by mada7 on Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:41 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

i found some bugs. (contains spoilers):
  • katherine keeps getting dressed after sex
  • vickie's hot tub handjob doesn't start
  • vickie's panties don't get added to the player's inventory when she takes them off
  • amy's "fuck katherine" objective doesn't seem to complete properly
i managed to get past MOST of these bugs by using the console.
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

If new game releases lead to minor compatibility issues try considering at least doing minimal compatibilty updates (keep story based on 0.9.6 OS).
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

peter980 wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 9:28 am If new game releases lead to minor compatibility issues try considering at least doing minimal compatibilty updates (keep story based on 0.9.6 OS).
I do plan on doing that. Doing another one of these from the ground up would be a very daunting task but keeping this up to date shouldn't take much time so I'll do my best in that regard
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

jarb01 wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:51 am i found some bugs. (contains spoilers):
  • katherine keeps getting dressed after sex
  • vickie's hot tub handjob doesn't start
  • vickie's panties don't get added to the player's inventory when she takes them off
  • amy's "fuck katherine" objective doesn't seem to complete properly
i managed to get past MOST of these bugs by using the console.
The amy and katherine objective should be working now.

The others I am having trouble reproducing. You should only be able to advance with vickie once she's part of amy's scavenger hunt (I had to do it that way because it was bugging out when I let that get done without it)

Getting dressed after sex could be something triggered as a result of having her get undressed while in the hot tub though which is difficult to control without putting weird limits on when certain lines can be triggered
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

Does Rachael's questline just not go anywhere or is there something I'm missing? She does the first dare then there are no more options when I talk to Katherine.
Posts: 94
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

ddmoo wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:32 pm Does Rachael's questline just not go anywhere or is there something I'm missing? She does the first dare then there are no more options when I talk to Katherine.
Get some of the other girls naked
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Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

The Anm and Katherine objective is still not completing correctly. The scavenger hunt does not advance to the next objective.
Posts: 94
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:43 pm

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

DanL58 wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:09 pm The Anm and Katherine objective is still not completing correctly. The scavenger hunt does not advance to the next objective.
Do you have the most recent version because it does seem to be working for me and that's what's attached to the first post. If you do can you send me the output of the following debug command after amy and kat finish:

"values amy list" the value I care most about is SLevel. It should end up at 7. It is possible that clicking through things too quickly causes skips
Posts: 76
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:32 am

Re: Much Sluttier Party [0.9.6] {CSC 0.7.0}

mada7 wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 6:31 pm
DanL58 wrote: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:09 pm The Anm and Katherine objective is still not completing correctly. The scavenger hunt does not advance to the next objective.
Do you have the most recent version because it does seem to be working for me and that's what's attached to the first post. If you do can you send me the output of the following debug command after amy and kat finish:

"values amy list" the value I care most about is SLevel. It should end up at 7. It is possible that clicking through things too quickly causes skips

I assume I have the latest version. I downloaded from the start of this thread that says it was edited earlier today. I can't figure out how to copy the entire list of data from the "values amy list" command but the SLevel was 6. I'm not clicking on anything after they start. I am doing this from a save created right before asking Amy about this objective.
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