PRE-0.9.6 Custom Stories

For older custom stories that do not work with the last one to three releases of House Party. Please be very specific as to what versions of the game the story you post will work with. Any posts without documented confirmation of version compatibility or significant user complaints of said story NOT working with the documented game version will be removed.

All other rules and expectations pertaining to the Custom Story Showcase apply. Since this subforum is intended specifically FOR old stories that will likely not work with future House Party client versions, we will not have any auto-pruning of 'old' or 'unviewed' posts, etc. going on.
Forum rules
No racism, sexism, anti-semitism, brigading, doxxing, or ANY form of abusive behavior. No discussion of hacking or piracy or the buying, trading, or selling of ANY type of product or service (digital or otherwise). No advertising of any product or service (digital or otherwise, and this includes streams or any service involving 'subscribers'). No discussion of religion or politics. Do not link to other adult sites, with the exception being discussion of other adult games in Offtopic/allowed subforums; i.e. no pornography.

Do not spam, do not try to circumvent any automated tools that are part of these forums or any linking to these forums. Do not judge others based on their preferences for custom stories, their opinions, sexuality, etc., and most certainly do not bring it to the moderators.

Respect the moderators and each other and all will be well. Report any violations of the above rules. Do not violate local or international laws (including, but not limited to the laws of your country and/or the laws of the United States) while making use of these forums. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.

We will use username, e-mail, AND IP bans without reservation, and mods hold the final word in such decisions.
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Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:29 pm

PRE-0.9.6 Custom Stories

Hey all, due to the major changes in the GameEvents system as part of House Party 0.9.6, custom stories made for 0.9.3 and earlier will no longer work at all in House Party 0.9.6 and beyond. You will need to download the House Party Custom Story Creator 0.7.0, import your custom story, and then export it to get it to work with the new events system. This will convert the story and character files for you. Note that this will only convert the format of the files, it will not fix issues unrelated with the change to the GameEvents system. So in short, this will make stories that worked in 0.9.3 function in 0.9.6 for the most part, but will not make stories designed for 0.8.x work in 0.9.6+.

To ensure that users are not downloading a whole slew of non-functioning stories, we have moved all pre-0.9.6 custom stories to the Custom Story Archive. Custom Story Creators can either create a new thread in the Custom Story Showcase board to host their 0.9.6 story and link to their old thread, or they can update their original thread in the archive with 0.9.6 files and PM me to get their story post moved back to the Showcase. Whichever you feel is the most painless.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused, thank you all your hard work on all these creative (and sometimes downright unique :D ) stories, and we look forward to continued feedback on the Story Creation system from all you creators out there.

TLDR: update your stories to be compatible with 0.9.6 using the HP Custom Story Creator v0.7.0 and we'll make sure your stories are accessible via the main Showcase board.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:27 pm

Re: PRE-0.9.6 Custom Stories

thanks can download it?
Posts: 989
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Re: PRE-0.9.6 Custom Stories

No, as those version are no longer supported by eek!games.
Furthermore, none of them were really interesting. Let them rest in peace while their author don't update them to more recent build.
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