
For any and all posts containing House Party translations by our users, discussing the translation system, or reporting issues with translating House Party.
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Post Reply
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:05 am


Hello everyone,
Is there possibly a possibility to include the texts of the "EventTyp": 0,
into the translation via the Id as with "EventTyp": 10?

Like for example,

"Handling": "None",
"Version": "2.0",
"Id": "63e0132b-b573-44ac-bde0-0f0be902f08c",
"Enabled": true,
"EventType": 0,
"GroupSubEventType": 1000,
"Character": "Player",
"Character2": "Amy",
"Key": "OtherGirlAction",
"Option": 0,
"Option2": 0,
"Option3": 0,
"Option4": 0,
"Value": "heard you asking for a striptease from",
"Value2": "",
"SortOrder": 2,
"Delay": 0.0,
"StartDelayTime": 0.0,
"UseConditions": false,
"DisplayInEditor": true,
"Criteria": []


"Handling": "None",
"Version": "2.0",
"Id": "c94bbdd8-2072-4de6-a38d-642b3f46fb81",
"Enabled": true,
"EventType": 0,
"GroupSubEventType": 1000,
"Character": "Player",
"Character2": "",
"Key": "OtherGirlAction",
"Option": 0,
"Option2": 0,
"Option3": 0,
"Option4": 0,
"Value": "heard you saying you'd like to have sex with",
"Value2": "",
"SortOrder": 2,
"Delay": 0.0,
"StartDelayTime": 0.0,
"UseConditions": false,
"DisplayInEditor": true,
"Criteria": []

Another request would be to include the texts when searching Madison's cell phone in the translation.

I would also be happy if the site,
would be updated again. Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Translated with Deepl
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